Subject: We've All Heard It - "You're Never Too Old!" |
Author: JD Winchester
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Date Posted: 15:35:37 11/08/24 Fri
I realize this is a "one-off," but it's 100% true and I believe worthy of sharing. I have more details, but I'll keep it as short as I can.
Several years ago when I was going through divorce, a drop-dead gorgeous 30 y/o woman with 2 small children moved in next door to me, Felicia. She was also going through divorce. Felicia and I became friends, leaned on one another through these difficult times for both of us.
Felicia had 2 brothers - one 2 years older, a cop...the other was 2 years younger, kind of an "outlaw." Felicia loved them equally and passionately.
During this time, the younger brother passed away at 28 years of age, essentially an indirect cause of drug abuse. By this time, Felicia was my best friend in the world but I could not reach her emotionally, because she was so devastated by the loss of her little brother.
As a means of escaping reality, Felicia began dabbling in drugs herself and her life began a downward spiral...she was missing work, her home was a continual mess, her kids were out of control. I didn't know what I could do to help but I did try.
Early one Saturday morning, Felicia's mom came by her home for a visit and a cup of coffee. Right after she set her mom's cup of coffee down in front of her, Felicia began to confess to her mom how she had been experimenting with drugs. The thing about Felicia is, she may not tell you the truth about something right away, but sooner or later she will bare her soul and confess whatever it is she has done wrong.
It was a knee-jerk reaction, but her Mom jumped up, grabbed Felicia by one arm and began spanking her HARD...Felicia said they were going round-and-round in the kitchen with her mom really putting it on her, all the while lecturing her about the drug use, obviously with the loss of her youngest child due to drug use, weighing heavily on her mind.
Felicia told me, "I was wearing just a thin cotton nightgown and thong panties, so it was pretty much just mom's hand and my butt...and after a while it REALLY began to STING! I told Momma, 'I think that's enough,' but Momma said, 'I'LL decide when it enough!' and kept right on spanking me."
It was the most transformative event I ever saw in my life. Felicia stopped using all drugs, put her life back on track, quit missing work, regained control of her kids, cleaned up her home like I had NEVER seen before. It was nothing short of amazing. I don't mean to be hyperbolic, but I credited that one spanking with likely saving her life.
I know it wasn't just the spanking, it was Felicia's awakening to the reality that she was endangering her life and how devastated the people who loved her would be...and her kids would no longer have a mom. The spanking was just sort of the exclamation point at the end of this awakening.
Felicia later told me she never felt closer to her mom in her life, after that spanking. Later that same day, she and her mom went out shopping together. She joked, "I guess I just needed a good butt whuppin!"
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