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Subject: The Emily Incident (100% true, but names changed for security)

JD Winchester
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Date Posted: 14:33:42 11/09/24 Sat

Her name is Emily and she came to work for me quite some time ago; I think she was 20 years old at the time. I was a relatively young manager on a project for an Engineering & Construction company here in Houston, Texas.

Emily had relocated to Houston from Colorado Springs, Colorado. She came to me through a temp agency, as I had requested additional personnel. Emily was very quiet, relatively shy and reserved. She was a terrific worker and had the best organizational skills of anyone I had ever met. After working for me for a longer time than expected, I made her an offer to become a permanent employee with the company; it would pay more than her temp agency was paying her, plus she would have benefits.

After hiring her, we worked together for quite some time until that current project was nearly complete. I left the project at one point as it began to wind down to a natural close, to assume a management position on another project (still with the same company) that was just getting geared up. I had a fairly large staff (no pun intended) as I was taking over for an outgoing supervisor but still needed additional personnel...the first person I requested to join my new group was Emily...she was so good, so professional at her job, that I soon promoted her to supervisor within a subgroup on a different floor of a high-rise office building downtown.

I tended to think of Emily as my little sister, although there was always some smoldering, underneath the surface romantic or sexual connection between Emily and me, so she wasn't exactly always like a little sister...I know she had a crush on me and I was attracted to her, but I was married and she was living with another girl whom she felt she loved...Emily was (is) bisexual. I didn't judge her (nor is it my place to judge anyone) for her sexual orientation, and she actually taught me a lot. She said that she would have as easily fallen in love with a man instead of a woman, if the right man had come along first instead of the right woman...she said she fell in love with a PERSON who "just happened" to be a woman. Emily was definitely the girly-girl in the relationship - very feminine, very sweet, ALL girl.

Now introduce Sofia - Sofia was ALSO a bisexual girl (must have been something in the water!) who worked for me on this same project. Blonde, blue-eyed, beautiful, highly intelligent, quite outspoken and a bit wild. Sofia had very few secrets from me, and she and I could tell each other ANYTHING...and we did. Emily on the other hand, I didn’t feel I could share much of my personal life and interests with, even though I considered us to be friends and not just coworkers…she seemed too innocent, in a way. Had I been single during this time (little did I know I soon would be!), I may have pursued Emily. She was very attractive, with auburn hair and blue eyes, a great figure with a really nice derriere (as did Sofia!) I might mention – round and full, very feminine. Whew! Anyway, I think both Emily and Sofia used to toy with the idea of what it would be like if the two of them got together...but it was just a fantasy, because they never did; Sofia was actually married to a guy at the time. (as a side note, do you know I think there are different "levels" of lesbianism or bisexuality? Emily liked men but wanted to live with another girl, Sofia also liked men but only liked to occasionally "play" with girls, not actually live with another female) Anyway, Emily and Sofia were friends - both of whom worked for me - and that was the extent of their relationship...though there was definitely mutual attraction between them!

One Holiday Season, our company provided a Christmas luncheon during the day for all employees. At this time, Sofia had now left my project and was assigned to another project in a different location. She called me the day of the Christmas luncheon to ask if I was attending, because it was back at the company's cafeteria, at the main office (HQ) complex, which was a few miles from downtown where I still was. I told her I was...she said to look for her when I got there, because she wanted to sit with me. For some 'too complicated to get into' reason, Emily couldn't go otherwise she could have ridden to the luncheon with me; Sofia knew Emily would be unable to attend. I found Sofia right away, we had a great feast and were able to catch up on some of each other's life events.

As we were leaving and parting ways, I was walking toward my car while Sofia was walking toward the building her office was in. Suddenly she called me back to tell me something. I asked, "What is it?" She said, "There's something I want you to do for me." I was like, "Ok, sure...what?" She said, "When you get back to the office, I want you to smack Emily on the ass and tell her it's from me!" I quickly replied, "OMG Sofia, I can't do that!" Calm, cool and confident Sofia said, "Sure you can; believe me, she'll love it!" I said, "Sofia, if she DOESN'T love it, I could be out of a job - TODAY! I’ve already lost my wife, I’m fighting to not lose my kids (ugly child-custody divorce), I don't think I can take the chance of also losing my job!" With something of a twinkle in her blue eyes, Sofia said, "Just do it, I promise you she'll love it, and she'll love it for two reasons: one, it's from me...and two, you're the one giving it to her...trust me!"

On the short drive back to the office, I was trying to figure out what I was going to do, and I have to tell you my heart was racing and my palms were sweaty. I mean, I adored Emily but I had never in my life put a hand on her other than a friendly hug or a congratulatory handshake. And true enough, if she were offended in any way and reported it, I would be escorted out the door within the hour, as our company had no tolerance for anything resembling sexual harassment.

Then I had something of an epiphany...my wife of 15 years had just left me (we had two small children) after having an affair with a married man...I hadn't been feeling much like a man or even a living human being since that unremarkable event...sometimes life didn't seem worth living and I was at the very lowest point of my life…EVER. I knew I needed SOMETHING, I needed to LIVE and I needed to feel ALIVE. I thought, WTF, do something, take a chance, be a man and let the chips fall where they may! Life is short and you want no regrets when you're lying on your death bed. So, it was decided...I'd do it...and as nervous as I was, I was also very excited at the prospect.

When I arrived at the office, I went directly to my office on the 11th floor. I called Emily who was on the 14th floor and told her - in something of an authoritative voice – that I needed to see her in my office at her earliest opportunity. I tried to sound serious and stern, but not really angry. I wanted Emily to have some anticipation and anxiety. She said she'd be there in just a few minutes. My heart was beating faster and faster; I probably could have used some oxygen.

When she came into my office doorway, she had a look of anxiety on her face, her pretty eyes wide as if questioning what this could all be about, likely thinking she was in some kind of trouble. She was dressed in a peasant girl type of outfit, complete with cotton peasant skirt. Really just TOO adorable for words. In her sweetest girly voice, unable to mask some concern, she asked, "You said you wanted to see me?" Getting up from behind my desk and coming around the end to meet her I said, "Yes I did. Sofia wanted me to give you something." She barely got out the "Wha…?" before I grabbed her by the upper left arm, spun her around 180 degrees and gave her one really good, hard, solid SMACK directly on the seat of her skirt which made a very nice loud smacking sound while her fanny felt WONDERFUL underneath my hand for the very brief encounter, while saying "THIS!"

I quickly let go of her and waited for her reaction…the ‘moment of truth.’ She didn't say a word, didn't look at me, but instead lowered her head and stared at the floor. As if in a trance, she slowly made her way over to a guest chair in front of my desk and took a seat. Propping her elbows on my desk, she lowered her face into her hands as if she were going to cry. ALL I could think was, "Ohhhh SHIT! That’s it, I may as well get my packing box out and start packing up...it's over! Now on top of being divorced, I’m also going to be unemployed!"

Without saying a word to her, I slowly and quietly returned to my desk chair and just watched her from across my desk for a moment...her face was still buried in her hands and I was beginning to get really concerned, like “just how badly DID I traumatize this poor, sweet girl?”

Finally, I leaned forward over my desk a bit and got my face closer to hers. I asked her in very low, soft voice, something near a whisper, "Emily? …are you ok?" Emily slowly raised her face out of her hands to look me in the eye, blushing red as a stop sign...I could never, ever forget her words as she finally spoke softly, looking me straight in the eye..."You have NO idea how HOT that just made me....."

Sofia was a genius!

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