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Subject: Self spanking (caught one time )

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Date Posted: 16:06:03 11/09/24 Sat

As I mentioned in a different thread, I started realizing I enjoyed spanking around 6th grade. So when I would be home alone, I would get naked, put myself in the corner and spank myself. This was all to see how I would react to different things. This was days before the internet so I was really on my own to figure things out.

I’d self spank with a brush or paddle my parents used.

One time I was in the middle of a self spanking session when my parents came home earlier than expected. So the found me with naked, with a pink bottom. They asked what I was doing. I quickly told a lie about something I felt guilty about. They gave me a quick spanking and sent me on my way

I did enjoy my time in my room after

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[> Subject: Re: Self spanking (caught one time )

JD to Belle
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Date Posted: 04:09:19 11/10/24 Sun

Thanks for sharing that, Belle! You were experiencing an act of self-discovery, nothing wrong with that at all, it's what we're SUPPOSED to do!

Adolescence is often a very confusing and difficult time for most people, with all the new raging hormones, trying to figure out just WHO we REALLY are.

I'm glad your parents didn't make a bigger deal of it than they did, hopefully they didn't make you feel guilty for your exploration.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Self spanking (caught one time )

Belle to JD
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Date Posted: 04:55:18 11/10/24 Sun

They were surprisingly ok. I thought for sure I was in for it. I mean they literally caught me naked with a pink bottom. I’m not sure if they bought my lie of what I was feeling guilty about. I said I thought I did bad on test at school even though I didn’t have my score yet. Mom gave me a few spanks over her knee and said don’t worry about the test.

Those raging hormones can make you do crazy things!

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