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Subject: Re: What's the deal with diapers?

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Date Posted: 15:54:53 11/12/24 Tue
In reply to: Emmie Sue 's message, "What's the deal with diapers?" on 05:59:47 11/12/24 Tue

Paraphilic infantilism, diaperism and pedophilia: A review
Sunil M. Doshi, ... Lavlesh Kumar, in Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 2018

5 Diaper fetishism
Fetishism is one of the weirdest and florid perversions of the human sexual instinct. Diaper fetishism also known as diaperism or nappy fetishism denotes a condition of having sexual preferences for diapers. While some of the diaper fetishes prefer to wear diapers for a limited period of a day, others prefer to wear it 24*7. In some instances, the arousal is not limited to wear the diaper, but associated with defecating, urinating or masturbating in diaper. A number of individuals share the characteristic of conditions, infantilism and diaperism, collectively popular as Adult Baby Diaper Lovers (ABDL). ABDL or Adult Baby Diaper Lovers, is rather a term that mixes characteristics of adult baby syndrome and diaper fetishism. Adult Baby Syndrome is a recently described symptom cluster and sharing the common symptoms of wearing diapers, drinking milk out of a bottle, eating baby food etc. Person who gets sexual arousal by diapers is basically a paraphilic fetish only same as in case of hair fetish or foot fetish. The Person may not get engaged in role play activities as seen in case of paraphilic infantilism. Under fetishistic disorder three diagnostic criteria are prescribed in DSM-V,...

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