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Subject: The One That Got Away...but Shouldn't Have

JD Winchester
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Date Posted: 04:50:08 11/14/24 Thu

Taking a cue from Sonya's amazing story about encountering the woman in Walmart with her bratty daughter, under the heading of "I Hate You," I'm just wondering if any of you have ever witnessed a situation out in public where a kid was acting SO out of control that you would have tanned their tail good and proper, but for whatever reason their own parent did not.

I've seen a couple of these instances, but I think the worst I ever saw was one day several years ago, when grocery shopping in Kroger. Apologies, this is about a boy, not a girl...but still, the good thing is that ALL kids come fully equipped with a bottom that is perfectly made for spanking, when necessary, regardless of gender.

It was very crowded that day, long lines at all of the checkout registers. About 2 lanes to my left, a commotion started up. It got louder and louder, wasn’t long before the ruckus had the attention of most of the people in the long lines waiting to checkout.

A battle of wits and wills was going on between a boy of about 8 or 9 and his VERY pregnant young mom. He kept pulling some kind of candy out of the rack and putting it on the conveyor belt for his mom to buy for him. She kept telling him “No!” while continually putting the candy back in the rack. Just as quickly, he’d again grab the candy back out of the rack and slam it down on the conveyor belt again, yelling “YES!” Full disclosure, the kid was a bit on the pudgy side, he didn't look like he needed any candy.

After about 3 or 4 iterations of this challenge, after she had just put the candy back up in the rack, this time the boy made a fist and punched her hard in the stomach! Time FROZE! A hush fell over the entire front of the store…I believe everyone was holding his or her collective breath, waiting to see what would happen next. Remember, this is Texas…I would guess that most every guy there would have gladly offered her his belt, or even offered to use his belt on this spoiled kid, being the mom was so far along in her pregnancy.

THEN, surprise of surprises, she said “Fine!,” and put the candy back on the conveyor belt herself. I could hardly believe what I had just witnessed and I’m sure the other patrons felt the same way.

I doubt there is a single mom or dad on this forum who would have responded ANYWHERE near the way this young mom did…and certainly if a dad had been there, I imagine a much different outcome would have evolved.

Personally, for me, I’m the “baby” of 4 siblings in my family, so I could never have been in that kid’s shoes, having a pregnant mom. However, if I HAD been and HAD done that, once my dad found out I may not be here today, writing about this!

What say you?

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