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Subject: Re: The Day of the Mass Paddling

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Date Posted: 18:27:55 11/15/24 Fri
In reply to: JD Winchester 's message, "The Day of the Mass Paddling" on 21:13:54 11/07/24 Thu

>One girl, way back in line, was apparently traumatized over the whole thing. She was kind of a goody-two-shoes little princess and this was just NOT acceptable to her. She was crying her eyes out while standing in line, well before her turn. Finally overcome with the magnitude of trauma she was facing, she left her place in line and walked directly up to Miss Mellinger to tearfully plead and beg her case, insisting she had not talked. Miss Mellinger had no sympathy for her, sternly suggested she return to her place in line, else she would get it worse. She returned. When it became her turn, she was bawling like a baby before she even bent over. With each lick, this poor girl screamed like a banshee, you’d have thought Miss Mellinger was skinning her alive. The girl really made a spectacle of herself, unfortunately.

Oh dear! I sympathize with that little girl. If I had been in your class I'm sure I would have behaved similarly. I wasn't brave when spankings were involved!

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[> [> Subject: Re: The Day of the Mass Paddling

JD to Carol
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Date Posted: 21:55:17 11/15/24 Fri

Hi Carol,

Yes, it was unfortunate for her...but we are all different, we all react differently to every given situation and circumstance.

Maybe I'm wrong for not having had more sympathy for her, she was obviously traumatized by the whole event. I think a common failure of we humans is trying to judge others from our own personal perspectives. I'm sure NO ONE in that line-up really wanted to be there, but she was the only one who reacted like that...still, it's just the emotions from her own, unique personality.

I'm no clinical psychologist, but if I were to hazard a guess, the problem this poor girl had was not JUST the paddle swats themselves, it was the totality of the event, which included the embarrassment of having to essentially get SPANKED in front of all of your classmates...because let's face it, when it's YOUR turn, ALL eyes are on YOU for that brief period of time.

Ironically, this poor child ended up embarrassing herself far more than if she had just stoically stayed in line, took her swats when it was her turn, and returned to her desk. Obviously that's a logical assessment and it has nothing to do with emotions; she just didn't have the ability to remain calm.

I hope no one gets the impression Miss M was a cold, uncaring, incompassionate woman - nothing could be further from the truth; she was just the opposite. The thing is, she essentially made a "deal" with us, the entire class, that if we do as we're told, which was to sit in our desks and do our work quietly all day without chatting with our classmates, nothing happens to us...but if you violate that deal, you get paddled.

I think that sometimes it's the more subtle things in our lives that can have a greater impact on how we comport ourselves for the rest of our lives. At least in retrospect, I believe that if Miss M had let this girl off just because she was SO upset over it, it really would have been doing a disservice to her, as a life lesson. It could have taught her that she doesn't always have to face the consequences of her own actions.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: The Day of the Mass Paddling

Beverly for JD
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Date Posted: 07:45:15 11/16/24 Sat

I remember crying on the way to the office to get paddled the first time with another girl for talking she was not crying she had been paddled before and her parents used a ping pong paddle to spank . Our school was k through 12 two middle school cheerleaders were in the APs office that scared me more the Ap said we would get a smaller paddle and not hit us as hard as them because we were smaller We were in first grade . I got to go first while I cried a little harder it was not that bad she cried too .

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