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Subject: Re: Underage Drinking

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Date Posted: 04:39:34 11/19/24 Tue
In reply to: Becky 's message, "Underage Drinking" on 13:08:37 11/18/24 Mon

The last spanking I ever got was for underage drinking (and ditching school). I was a sophomore or junior in high school, I don't remember which as this was more than 30 years ago. I hadn't been spanked in 2-3 years and was sure those days were behind me, no pun intended. After all I was now 16-17, way too old to be spanked so I thought.

It was a beautiful spring day and ine if my friends got hold of some wine coolers. We decided to ditch our last couple of classes and went to the woods to have a little good time.

To make a long story short, we were busted by the County Sheriff's Office. All 4 of us were underage so our parents had to be called. My dad was furious as he had to leave work so he and my mom could pick me up.

When we got home I knew I was in big trouble. After a huge lecture, I was told I was getting a spanking from dad who did all of the scolding. Mom was in the room but sat silently and nodded in agreement with dad. I was told to get my pants and panties down and get over his knee. I probably got the hardest spanking in my life. I was in tears and apologized profusely, of course promising it will never happen again.

After it was over, dad told me to get up. With tears running down my face I got up and my hands immediately went to rub my burning up. At that moment I didn't care that my teenage bush was fully on display as this was the late 80's and girls weren't shaving in those days. Needless to say, I was on my extra best behavior after that and I never drank again until legal age.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Underage Drinking

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Date Posted: 13:08:32 11/21/24 Thu

During last school year I went to a party. There was alcohol and I drank half a beer. It was awful. The party was at a house close to home so I walked. When I came in mom and dad could smell the alcohol on my breath. I was taken into the den. Dad brought the paddle from the kitchen. I was instructed to remove my skirt and because this was serious, my panties came off as well. It was embarrassing enough with just mom and dad but my uncle was visiting. He also witnessed EVERYTHING. I was given 21 swats on my bare bottom. I'm very sensitive because my bottom is large and ripples alot when dad paddles me. I'm sure my uncles eyes were just glued to my big bare buttocks as dad paddled me. I was standing facing the mantle with hands grasping it for support. He didn't see my front as I face the wall when removing my panties but he saw my big bottom get scalded with our wooden paddle.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Underage Drinking

Allison to Sonya
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Date Posted: 07:33:46 11/22/24 Fri

Dear Sonya,
Yes ma'am it was terribly embarrassing but the punishment made an impression and my uncle has not brought it up since. I felt fine the next day but I only had half a beer if even that. I also intend to keep the promise I made to never touch alcohol again. Oh Sonya, dad's paddle is just awful!!!!!!!

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