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Subject: Pulled by the......

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:35:06 11/22/24 Fri

Have you ever been pulled by a part of your body? I just some memories of when I was a kid. I remember a couple of times my mom pulled me by my ear to put me in time out. Nothing too big. I just remembered, maybe I just tried to forget it, when I was about 11 I had wandered off in the store and my mom was frantic and furious. She had a call over the speakers. "Lost little girl, ect." Oh god how embarrassing to hear your name announced all over the store. I was mad at my mom. I went to the service center with an attitude but immediately changed my attitude when I saw the fury in my moms face and the girl behind the counter kind of nodding her head. My mom grabbed me under my arm and dragged me all through the store and out to the car. I don't think anything really happened when we got home, but OMG, that was so embarrassing.

What brought back these memories is last night I don't know what got into me but I threw a huge tantrum with Shelby in the kitchen. I had a tee on and no bra so I guess my nipples were poking. Shelby squeezed my nipple and pulled me to the living room for a thorough spanking with the hairbrush. She gave me a break but only to reach around and squeeze both my nipples and boobs before resuming my whoopin.

Have you ever been pulled by a part of your body?

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[> Subject: Re: Pulled by the......

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Date Posted: 06:53:33 11/22/24 Fri

Sweetie, all I can say is OUCH!

There have been a number of occasions when I was dragged by the arm by Momma. If I was misbehaving she'd grab me by the inside of my upper arm and pull me to where she was going to scold or spank me. I think I was ten or eleven the last time Momma did that. I got a few spankings from my Aunt and one from my Granny where I was held by the arm by one hand and got my bare butt whipped with the other. Granny used a switch and Aunt Connie used a flyswatter. It was really embarrassing when Aunt Connie did it because everybody was watching me and I had to take off my clothes from the waist down. I had to do the same when Granny whooped me with the switch, but it was just us.

As far as what your friend did to you? The closest I came to that was when I was ten. My breasts started developing when I was nine and Momma started making me wear bras to school and whenever we went somewhere. It was kind of embarrassing. Especially being a little more of a tomboy then and boys noticed that "Sonya had boobs". There was a boy who was one grade up, that liked to bully the other students, especially girls. He would slap girls on the butt or pinch them and pinch their boobs. He decided he was going to give me a "titty twister" while we were on the playground. Even with the bra on, it hurt like hell and I started to cry. He stood there laughing at me and yelling "titty twister". Then I just tore into him. The final result? His I got pulled off of him by my teacher broke and we both got paddled. Him for doing the titty twister and me for giving him a black eye and bloody nose. I had to take a note home and when I told Momma what happened, instead of getting spanked for getting in trouble at school. She said "Good girl" and gave me a big hug. When Daddy heard what happened he was proud of me for standing up for myself too.

As far as your roommate goes. Hon, I don't know. I don't really understand the nature of your relationship with her. I could never put up with someone treating me the way she does you. My husband gives me playful smacks on the bottom and I'll smack or pinch his, but he never really hurts me and if he ever tried to, he'd definitely have a fight on his hands and he knows it. As far as your friend is concerned, If she grabbed my boob like she did yours, she'd be spitting teeth if you know what I mean. But honey, if you can put up with what her treating you like that. More power to you.

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[> Subject: Re: Pulled by the......

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Date Posted: 13:46:13 11/22/24 Fri

Never got pulled by a body part by mom would pinch us on on stomachs enough to get a warning it we kept up doing what we were doing it was a spanking

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[> [> Subject: Re: Pulled by the......

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Date Posted: 15:40:43 11/22/24 Fri

I got pinched on the butt by Momma more times than I can count, specially when I was little and running around naked or in my underwear. It was always playful and not hard. She still would give me a playful pinch on the butt as I got older. It was the same thing with playful smacks on my butt. Some of my girlfriends like Ramona would pinch or smack me on the butt playfully sometimes as well.

Mark would pinch me on the butt sometimes when we first started dating when nobody was looking. But he saw another boy pinch me in school one day and punched him out. He had to make a trip to the office for that one. He still does pinch and playfully slap my butt. I love it when he flirts with me like that.

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