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Subject: enemas for punishment

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Date Posted: 13:28:22 12/11/24 Wed

Many times after a bare bottom spanking with the hairbrush I get big soapy punishment enemas. Anyone else get this kind of punishment?

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[> Subject: Re: enemas for punishment

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 04:56:17 12/16/24 Mon

I hope someone answers this. I'd be interested in reading about peoples experience.

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[> Subject: Re: enemas for punishment

Maddie Christmas
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Date Posted: 13:44:23 12/17/24 Tue

I as well from my wife Kailey as well as Aunt Jazmine who is not actually my wife. It's bad enough getting your butt blistered, but horrible having to strip down, get your butthole lubed with soap and have to stay in position while the soapy water fills you up. Once the tube goes in and the water starts flowing there is no way to stop it. You just have to endure the discomfort and humiliation, often having your already blistered bottom smacked with the dreaded bathbrush. Then I'm afforded no privacy when I expel. I usually get them bent over the tub and allowed to expel on the toilet, but sometimes I have to be on my hands and knees or in the diaper position and have to expel in the tub.

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[> [> Subject: Re: enemas for punishment

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 18:39:56 12/17/24 Tue

That doesn't sound very appealing.

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[> [> Subject: Re: enemas for punishment

Favors Spanking to MADDIE
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Date Posted: 21:25:47 01/28/25 Tue


You may not remember me, but I have posted on here to some post you have made before, though it has been a several years I think (I could only find two posts I made in the last two years on here).

The last thing I remember from way back is you sometimes got spanked by Kailey, were not a fan of taking a bath and were always asking about what it was like being given an enema. Yeah, it has been a good while. I was distracted by other things and had some health issues.

Now I see where you and Kailey are "married" and when you think you need to "punish" her for something, and she agrees, you get her to strip and you take her to the bathroom and give her a soapsuds enema (a full two quarts? and is it really punishment if she likes to be given enemas??).

And when she needs to punish you, she spanks your bare bottom and gives you enemas (soapsuds enemas? - 2 quarts?). Is that basically what I have missed in the last few years?

Will you answer some questions for me, please?

When did you and Kailey get into this Dom/sub relationship?

When did you get your first enema and who gave it to you? Kailey?? Does she strip you naked for your spankings and enemas? Since you are in a Dom/sub relationship, embarrassment at being naked for such an intimate procedure should not be a problem for either of you.

I do wish you and Kailey the best and hope you have an enjoyable life together.

Favors Spanking

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[> Subject: Re: enemas for punishment

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Date Posted: 09:29:57 12/18/24 Wed

Would be far worse to expel in a diaper

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[> [> Subject: Re: enemas for punishment

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 06:33:53 12/19/24 Thu

Ew. That's nasty.

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[> Subject: Re: enemas for punishment

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Date Posted: 16:38:27 01/19/25 Sun

Punishment enemas were around for a long time, as enemas were far more popular back in the 50's and 60's. We didn't get them for punishment but other kids on the block did. I think they might be making a comeback, in general, however.

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[> [> Subject: Re: enemas for punishment

Louise Vancisic Vancisic
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Date Posted: 10:46:28 01/29/25 Wed

Hi Caring,

So do approve of it as a form of punishment.


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[> [> [> Subject: Re: enemas for punishment

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Date Posted: 17:14:45 02/08/25 Sat

Personally I would not give enemas for punishment, only for cleansing or as a treatment for constipation. But that's my belief. Others use them as punishment.

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[> Subject: Re: enemas for punishment

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Date Posted: 18:10:39 01/19/25 Sun

I got enemas from my mom from maybe age 2 until 7 or so. Not sure when they stopped, but I don't recall any after we moved to a new house when I was 7. I always have had problems in that department with "clogging the bog"and Mom used them to help clean me out.

They were not a punishment, but I didn't like them. Not so much because of the water going in, but being over her knee, with my head down was very uncomfortable. If I'd been on all 4 on the floor, or in the diaper position or even bent over the tub, I might not have minded the enemas so much, but OTK with my head hanging down sucked. Mom used a 4 oz. red bulb. I don't recall how many I got, I was just hanging there as she filled it with soapy water in the sink or in a bowl and then inserted it and squeezed the suds into my colon.

Eventually, I was given the option of an enema or a horrible tasting stool softener called Zymenol or some such and Itook the Zymenol each time.

Until I got old enough to be left alone at age 12 or so and then I decided to try giving myself an enema, bent over the tub and realized it enhanced my orgasm when I masturbated. That was a discovery!!!

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[> Subject: Re: enemas for punishment

Mork and Mindy
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Date Posted: 13:42:19 01/28/25 Tue

I promised I'd write and I'm sorry I haven't had time so far. Just wanted to let you know I've not forgotten.


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[> Subject: Re: enemas for punishment

Louise Vancisic Vancisic
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Date Posted: 14:16:38 01/28/25 Tue

Hi Julie. Who does that to you and why?

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[> [> Subject: Re: enemas for punishment

Louise Vancisic Vancisic
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Date Posted: 10:40:57 01/29/25 Wed

Bob - Why do you feel that way? One of my friends said it was a good lesson in self-discipline.

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[> Subject: Re: enemas for punishment

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Date Posted: 17:10:44 01/28/25 Tue

Part of me says that giving an enema to a child, under any circumstance is child abuse. However, I do not have a medical background but people that do tell me at times a child should be given an enema and there judgement is better than mine.

I do believe that giving a child an enema as punishment is child abuse and wrong. No exceptions.

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[> Subject: Re: enemas for punishment

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Date Posted: 17:29:00 02/06/25 Thu

An enema is an invasive procedure that can be scary for children. But like anything else, how that's managed is the responsibility of the parents. However, I do not see how administering one would be considered abusive. Anything can be abusive if misused. Even spanking (obviously).

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[> [> Subject: Re: enemas for punishment

Bailey Dale
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Date Posted: 18:20:34 02/07/25 Fri

Yeah I guess you could use some hot sauce instead of water if you want to turn it into straight up torture and abuse.

Honestly I don't think an enema should ever be done for discipline. It should only be for therapeutic reasons.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: enemas for punishment

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Date Posted: 11:37:50 02/13/25 Thu

I agree, they should never be used for punishment.

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[> Subject: Re: enemas for punishment

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Date Posted: 09:43:39 02/14/25 Fri

I received an enema as additional punishment on a number of occasions. Spankings were given naked in the family room and were watched by whomever was present (brothers and sister most often). But if rather being made to stand against the wall you were taken by the arm and led to the upstairs bathroom everyone knew what was going to happen next.

I would stand there with a blazing butt watching my mother fill a large pitcher of hot water and then put a bar of Ivory soap in it while she assembled the tube and bulb nozzle on the bag. Then she would pour the milky white solution in the bag and hang it from the shower curtain rod. As a side note it was important not to complain unless you wanted the gooey bar of soap pushed in my mouth.

My mother would sit on the toilet seat and put me over her lap and push the soapy bulb nozzle in my butt. It burned and I would always begin crying again at this point.

The door of the bathroom was always open and while others were not really supposed to watch there was always a lot of traffic in hallway during these punishments.

I would hear a click and feel the water rush in me. My unavoidable squirming resulted in additional hairbrush smacks to my already sore butt. My begging to mother to stop the flow quickly became begging to mommy to stop the flow as the distress and cramping rapidly grew.

Finally the bag was empty and I had to stand for five minutes hands on head and tube still in butt. I do desperately needed to sit on the toilet but feared how much it would hurt on my spanked bottom.

Finally my mother would pull the nozzle out and would painfully sit and expel. When I had finally released it all I cleaned myself up and ran to my room without any care of who saw what.

The cramps from the enema and my sore spanked bottom taught me a lesson that I would remember for a long time.

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[> [> Subject: Re: enemas for punishment

Louise Vancisic Vancisic
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Date Posted: 18:36:55 03/11/25 Tue

Poor Marcey. What prompted your mom to give you a punishment enema?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: enemas for punishment

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Date Posted: 04:26:39 03/12/25 Wed

They for procrastinating or not getting things done on time.

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[> [> Subject: Re: enemas for punishment

Louise Vancisic Vancisic
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Date Posted: 11:38:11 03/12/25 Wed

That seems rather severe. I'd get a spanking over my panties for such an offense.

Were you always able to hold it till you got permission to expel?

Did you cry the entire time? I'm sure that I would have.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: enemas for punishment

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Date Posted: 12:39:02 03/12/25 Wed

Holding it was always a challenge but I did. And there was a lot of sobbing.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: enemas for punishment

Louise Vancisic Vancisic
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Date Posted: 08:59:39 03/14/25 Fri

Which punishment did you fear more? Would you like to discuss this with me offline

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[> [> Subject: Re: enemas for punishment Those clicks!

Alfred22 for Marcey
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Date Posted: 07:12:09 03/13/25 Thu

I usually had a small red squeeze bulb full of water. It was for kids, I suppose. But I was somehow familiar with the CLICK! A really unique sound that I will never forget!

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