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Subject: Re: College Spanking

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Date Posted: 22:46:34 01/02/25 Thu
In reply to: Pat 's message, "College Spanking" on 06:57:22 12/31/24 Tue

My first year of college I moved away and lived in a dorm. I had total freedom from my strict mother. I made the decision to move back home and transfer to the local college in my hometown. Looking back, I wonder if I felt I needed the structure of my mother telling me what I can and can not do. Freedom was intimidating to me.

When I moved back home I was actually surprised how my mom didn't change at all. Now that I was an adult I thought she would treat me like one. No she didn't. She was as strict and bossy as she always was. It was a shock to my ego the first time she spanked me after moving back home. By the second spanking I knew this was going to be the way it was. I was (and still am) a young looking small man so it didn't seem physically awkward to get spanked by mom as a 19 year old (or a 20 or 21 year old when I finally moved out for good) but psychologically it was embarrassing to know a young man like myself was still getting spankings from mommy. My mom did not give light spankings. They were always hard, drawn out affairs that made me cry. Especially if she was drinking, which was pretty much every night.

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[> Subject: Re: College Spanking

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Date Posted: 19:14:31 02/22/25 Sat


By agreement with my mother, I was subject to being spanked until I turned 20. I got two spankings at 18. One was for grades and the other was for curfew violations. I got one at 19, for curfew violations. I feel all three spankings helped me a lot. Getting it bare bottom with a paddle from your Mom can be embarrassing and painful. It was a fair and good motivator.

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