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Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 02:24:49 01/14/25 Tue
In reply to: Alfred22 for Radka 's message, "Re: Implement" on 08:14:37 01/13/25 Mon

In the end I(!) only bought the one that my mum found the most comfortable to handle. It will have been 6mm thick (what they call a junior cane in the UK) and probably about 70cm long. As the oldest of four, back then I was actually the only 'eligible one' (the translation in Czech sounds as if you are entitled to something really great and wonderful). Later on, there were even three different canes in my parents' household at times, when I got my canings with a 10mm cane from the age of 15, my youngest brother still with the 6mm cane and the two middle siblings with an 8mm cane. So we didn't have personal obedient makers, but rather a cane strength for each of the specific physical stages of development we were currently in. And these are/were easy to tell apart. (There don't seem to be many ways to name a cane in English. Do you have any suggestions so that the word 'cane' doesn't keep repeating itself?)

Since I don't remember the physical pain of the test strokes in the shop, it can't have been particularly bad, even though it was my first experience with the cane-assisted style of parental correction. It was this feeling of having been paraded in front of everyone - my naughtiness and my punishment as an amusing spectacle for strangers who happened to be present. This humiliation has burned itself into my brain more than the possible pain in my bum.

So we spared our children this part of the punishment - not least because I wouldn't even know where to find the nearest basket maker any more... ;-)

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

Alfred22 for Radka
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Date Posted: 09:04:30 01/15/25 Wed

Where do parents in the Czech Republic obtain their spanking implements if basket makers have disappeared?

Multipurpose implements such as the belt and the hairbrush are readily available at clothing stores and chain drugstores. But single purpose, for spanking only or primarily, implements might require an online only source.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 21:35:56 01/15/25 Wed

In Czech Republic, hairbrushes were never that much used as spanking implements, but belts are traditional -- and so are kitchen wooden spoons.

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