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Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

Allison to Caitlyn D
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Date Posted: 07:32:12 01/14/25 Tue
In reply to: Caitlyn D 's message, "Re: Introduce Yourself" on 21:21:10 01/13/25 Mon


Your story feels very close to home for me. I am only 12, but will turn 13 soon. You were 18 and older when you were spanked by your godparents, and 18 sometimes feels not that far away for me (ha ha I guess I still have a few years before I am 18). My older sister is closer to 18 than me because she is 13 and will turn 14 soon. My little sister is only 9.

Do you feel like the spankings helped you behave better or improved your attitude? My parents often spank us because they say we need an attitude adjustment.

The way your godparents spanked you is almost exactly the way mom and dad spank me and my sisters. Mom and dad have a procedure for spanking us that they always use. None of us are spanked while mom or dad are angry. We have to go to our bedroom and wait for a while before mom or dad comes into our bedroom to spank us. We have to stand up and mom or dad takes our pants and panties off and lays them on the bed. We have to stand with no pants on while mom or dad scolds us for being bad. But they do not yell. They speak calmly. When mom or dad is ready to start spanking us, one of them will sit on the edge of my older sister's bed while the other one goes and gets the wooden spoon from the kitchen. Our wooden spoon is old and heavy like the heavy spatula you were spanked with. It HURTS LIKE CRAZY and makes all three of us cry like babies. It stings so so bad and makes our butts feel like FIRE. The good thing is that mom or dad only spank us when we deserve to be spanked. I have never been spanked when I didn't deserve it.

Did you cry when your godfather spanked you?

Thank you for saying that you have confusing feelings. I came here the other day because I have confusing feelings too. I HATE HATE HATE having my bare bottom spanked, but I think I am like you because I find spankings scary but exciting too. I like seeing my sisters get spanked and seeing their bare bottoms on mom or dad's knee and their legs kicking and arms waving while their butts are spanked red like cherries. The way my sisters cry and yell scares me but it excites me. At school one of my teachers last year talked about involuntary reactions that we can't control. I think my reaction to seeing my sisters getting their spankings is involuntary.

Luckily, spankings are only a couple times a month. Did you get spanked often? Did the spankings hurt a lot? Did you have marks on your butt after? Me and my sisters always have spoon bruises on our butts for a few days.

Did you have to sit on the spanking chair with no pants on after your bare bottom was spanked with the wooden spatula? We have to stand in the corner with no pants on after spankings.

I hope you have a nice day.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

Alfred22 for Caitlyn
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Date Posted: 08:08:54 01/14/25 Tue

Nothing to feel conflicted or concerned about. Spankings are a memorable "big deal" and are necessarily exciting. They have several components that make them dramatic: there are the preliminary components: A rule of conduct with the hint or sometimes explicit warning that a spanking awaits those who fail to obey the rule. The tension and other feelings when you break the rule, the discovery that the rule has been broken, the sentencing often with the word "spanking" in the sentence, the dressing or undressing for the occasion, the implement appearing, the complicated positioning of both spanking parent and recipient, often a last minute reminder of the broken rule, and the FIRST SPANK! And then the three phases: initial spanks with resistance and possibly an effort not to complain, the realization that you are going to cry and the crying, and finally the end of any resistance and the limp acceptance that ends the experience. And then the dreaded no rubbing cornertime!

How could such a series of events not be exciting and packed chock full of emotions? A totally normal response. I bet your current memories of it all are even more complicated, in part because your bottom is totally safe, NOW. We are all here for the same reasons.

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