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Subject: New semester

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:22:22 01/17/25 Fri

I'm packing up and moving back to my little college town. I can't wait to see Shelby and kiss her everywhere. I can't wait for her to spank my little bottom and make me lick her butthole and everywhere else.
(excuse me a moment, I have to poop)

But really I'm having mixed emotions. I'm going to miss my parents. I wish they would just move down here. I mean I realize it's only like an hour away, but still.

Oh, I forgot to mention that my mom gave me a whoopin for my attitude and putting things off. No, just kidding, she didn't really. I think it was close though. She's been on me about doing my laundry and getting ready to go back. So I was like "ALRIGHT MOM!!" I mean seriously she was getting annoying. So when I did I crammed the washer and put too much soap in it and it quit working. But we took about half of it out and it started working again. Now she wants me to wash all my sheets and comforters and clean my room before I go. Personally I think that's a little over the top.

So here's my new thread.

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[> Subject: Re: New semester

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:32:39 01/17/25 Fri

I CAN'T WAIT for my little bottom to be red and hot and the intimacy of being over Shelby's lap. Not for punishment so much, I've discovered I really don't like being punished, but I do miss that too. Accountability.

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[> Subject: Re: New semester

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:36:46 01/17/25 Fri

But seriously, I've been increasingly rude and disrespectful to my mom and she really should have threw me over her knees and whooped my butt. On one hand it sounds ridiculous for a girl in her teens or 20s to get spanked by her mom, but I can see how it happens and I think it happens and I think it's fine.

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[> [> Subject: Re: New semester

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:38:44 01/17/25 Fri

I know I deserve it, but way less than other girls I know. I HOPE they get their butts whooped, because some are way more deserving than me.

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[> Subject: Re: New semester

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:42:22 01/20/25 Mon

It's so fucking cold out there. When I woke up I thought I somehow left the window open. These basement windows aren't the greatest. At least I'll have a warm bottom walking to class. Okay, a sore bottom, but I'm going to ask Shelby to warm my bottom before she leaves for work.

2 days of spankings and my poor little bottom is so sore. Not bad girl spankings (unfortunately those come later in the week). But me and Shelby has played a lot. I spanked Shelby too. Wont go into a lot of details, but Shelby called me into her room and said I need to clean her butthole. It wasn't really dirty, but mmmmm, I love that. Then she told me she needed a spanking for having a dirty bottom. So I tried to spank her and she was going "Harder, harder!" and saying she was so naughty, then told me to use the hairbrush and well, I guess I'm just not great at spanking, so I went across her lap and got a spanking, owie!

It feels like it's been a year since my little bottom got smacked. I guess I'm out of practice. It REALLY stung at first. So almost when I first got here I asked Shelby if I was going to get a spanking and she said not a real one, that will come later in the week, right now she's just happy to see me. So I think I'm really in for it. I guess maybe my mom didn't give a good report or something. I guess I'll find out about wednesday. Having sex with a hot bottom is one thing, but getting punished is quite another.

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[> [> Subject: Re: New semester

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:44:30 01/20/25 Mon

Oooh, gotta go. I want to take a quick shower and catch Shelby before she goes to ask her for a warm bottom to keep me warm out there.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: New semester

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 06:31:36 01/20/25 Mon

Well, that didn't work out like I had planned.

I asked Shelby for a little warming spanking. She said no. I asked her again, okay maybe more than a couple times. She was like "Uh, okay" and before I knew it my pants were down, I was over her knees getting my bare butt whooped with the hairbrush. So now my butt is more than warm.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: New semester

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Date Posted: 23:10:43 01/20/25 Mon

Morning ES. Nothing about spankings, but a little trick that might keep you a bit warmer in your room. Try taping bubble wrap over the glass. You might be surprised at the difference. Take care. Alex.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: New semester

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 04:48:45 01/21/25 Tue

Maybe I'll try that Alex. Thanks for the tip. I just gotta find some cheap bubblewrap.

So I started the first day back not able to sit down. I just wanted to play and go back with a warm butt, I wasn't expecting to not be able to sit down. I didn't cry, I mean I had tears in my eyes but I didn't out and out cry, but I was like "Ow Shelby, ow ow ow, I didn't mean...stop, please!"
"I hope you're happy!" Shelby does not like being bothered when she's going to work and maybe I bratted just a leeeetle too much. It was for real too, she wasn't kidding around.

It wasn't a great start to a not great day. Freaking cold. It was great to see people again. I ran into my friend and I was real happy (I mean REAL happy to see her) Okay, I know it was really cold, but I went up to her all smiles and I invited her to my house but she was kind of put offish. She was like "Yeah, it's cold and I think I just better get back to my dorm" so that made me really sad. I know she's kind of...odd and maybe she was just real nervous to be back at school and it was freaking cold and it's a dark day in America, I don't know, It could have been anything, maybe nothing, it just bothers me. Maybe her parents found out and told her not to be in a relationship, maybe her parents gave her a whoopin, could be anything I guess. I hope that changes because I really like her.

Nothing too much else. Shelby did make a sort of back handed apology and rubbed my bottom (oh, and maybe put her finger up my butthole) but nothing really else. At least I know I'm not going to bother Shelby before work.

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[> Subject: Re: New semester

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:41:31 02/20/25 Thu

My friend doesn't seem all that interested in me anymore. That makes me sad. I really like her. Maybe things will change when it starts getting warmer.

I do babysitting, but I would like to get a part time job but my mom has made it very clear that I am not to have a job during school so I can focus on school. It wouldn't be the first time I defied my mom however one of Shelby's biggest rules is that I respect my parents and abide by their wishes. I'm positive my mom wont spank me, but Shelby sure would and it wouldn't be fun.

I think my spankings are getting more harder and more serious. Somebody on here said that I haven't really gotten a REAL spanking yet that Shelby doesn't really spank me as bad as I think and that I'm really just a big baby. I told them that they were dead wrong, but this semester, idk, maybe they were right.

Just checking in. I hope some of our old friends come back on here.

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[> [> Subject: Re: New semester

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Date Posted: 08:54:25 02/21/25 Fri

Don't bother what the creeps tell you here. From your description of the real punishment spankings you received from Shelby I would say these are real genuin spankings. You are no more baby than I am when I get spanked in a similar way by my husband.

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