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Subject: About my spanking process

Caitlyn D
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Date Posted: 10:50:03 01/19/25 Sun

As I explained in my introduction, I moved in with some very close friends of my parents for my first two years of college. While my parents, mostly my mom, spanked me and my brother growing up it wasn’t the ritualized procedure that my godfather used.

My parents knew, and were 10000% supportive, of him holding me on a tight leash and using spanking when needed. Over the 2 years I lived with them, I probably was spanked about 100 times. If 10 or days went by that I wasn’t spanked for something, they would a reason to spank me. I don’t think he “enjoyed” it, I mean maybe he did, but I think he really truly believed that it was for my betterment.

Anyway, I was told I would be spanked when needed, they it would be on my bare bottom, he made of point to tell me he would pull down my underwear. He told me I was expected to cooperate and that failure to do so would make things worse. Looking back, I was pretty immature for my age. Not as I would screw around or act “childish” but I was pretty sheltered coming from a lower income family in rural Ohio. He showed me the wooden spatula with holes that he would use and told me I would get swats as multiples of age (18, later 19, the last 3 months I lived with them, 20). He said there was no use giving a spanking if I was only going to get 18 swats so it would always be 2x or more my age. The vast majority of the spankings I got were either “2-timers” or “3-timers” as he called them, on a few disastrous occasions I got 4x my age.

My first day there after my parents left (Memorial Day 2007) he told me he was going to spank me, give me a 2x, to show me how things would be handled and he hoped this would make enough of an impression on me he’d never have to do it again. So I was just like all right let’s get it over with and it’ll never happen again. Yeah right.

The procedure was always the same. He would undo my pants and pull them down to my feet. Then my underwear. Then I would be lectured and made to answer questions or give explanations about what happened, why, why it was wrong, etc. I had to keep my hands at my sides, he explicitly told me not to try to hide my vagina. I would then be made to waddle to the kitchen and open the drawer where the spanking spatula was kept, bring it back to him and hand it to him. Then I would take the spanking chair out of the corner and put it in front of the fireplace. Then he would sit down and lay me over his lap. Then he would spank, give me 2x or 3x or however many with the spatula. Then he would “finish me up” by spanking with his hand.

Afterwards, I’d be put in the empty corner of the living room where the chair was, no moving no talking, for 30 minutes. He would tell me when time was up and I’d have to return the chair and the spatula from where I got them and he, or his wife, would usually say a few more things to me about what happened. Then I would be told I could pull my pants up and go about my day.

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[> Subject: Re: About my spanking process

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Date Posted: 12:33:26 01/19/25 Sun

Did oyu shave or did you at least have hair hiding you from his eyes?

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[> [> Subject: Re: About my spanking process

Caitlyn D
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Date Posted: 20:18:58 01/19/25 Sun

That’s personal lol. I shaved. Always shaved. Have everywhere for forever. Host hair is gross.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: About my spanking process

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Date Posted: 21:11:40 01/19/25 Sun

Me too, but Ihate that my daddy can see everything that way, don't you?

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[> Subject: Re: About my spanking process

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Date Posted: 12:34:11 01/19/25 Sun

1. Why were your parents so supportive of you getting real spankings when they failed to do it themselves? Were you a wild child and out of control?

2. You have spoken matter-of-factly about the spankings but not how you took them -- quietly or loudly with lots of kicking begging screaming sobbing etc.

Your story is interesting but a few details need filling in...

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[> [> Subject: Re: About my spanking process

Caitlyn D
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Date Posted: 20:24:44 01/19/25 Sun

Oh my parents spanked. It was just a lot different than my godparents. Not a process. And no, I don’t think so at least. I was very sheltered. Almost always it was mouthing off that got me in trouble at my parents house. We were from rural Ohio.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: About my spanking process

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Date Posted: 20:56:57 01/19/25 Sun

Did you take the spankings quietly or did you put up a loud fuss while you were getting it?

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: About my spanking process

Caitlyn D
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Date Posted: 12:20:51 01/20/25 Mon

I fussed and squirmed quite a bit. The first one I got I really wiggled and squirmed and that earned me extra swats on the backs of my legs. From then on, when spanked I would push my toes into the ground to focus my energy on doing that rather than flailing about lol. Vocally I was loud with yelps and ows and ouches and all that. The few times I got 4x my age it did become too much to bear and I would pathetically beg for mercy. But usually I put forth a valiant effort to maintain at least some semblance of dignity and take it well.

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[> Subject: Re: About my spanking process

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Date Posted: 16:01:34 01/19/25 Sun


I TOTALLY understand how embarrassing and painful your spankings were that your godfather gave you. The spankings me and my sister get are almost exactly thew same except you got spanked bare bottom with a wooden spatula and we get spanked bare bottom with a wooden spoon and we almost always get spanked in our bedroom, not by the fireplace in the living room.

My older sister Katrina asked my mom a little while ago if mom would spank her in high school and my mom said definitely. Katrina asked if she could start keeping her panties on now that she is starting to develop down there. Mom said why would I do that. In this house and especially with you young lady spankings will always be on your bare as that is how spankings should be for naughty girls. Because it is mom or dad who pull down our pants and panties it is so embarrassing as much as scary because I feel my bottom bare naked and see my sisters bottoms bare naked and spankings on the bare bottom cause a lot of yelling and pain. The hard spanks from the wooden spoon STING like super crazy hot and feel like blisters. Spankings hurt a lot because mom and dad don’t stop spanking just because we are crying and screaming. Our bare butts are covered with spoon marks for a few days and especially down low on the lower part of our butt cheeks where mom focuses her attention. When mom stops spanking the bare skin is
SUPER HOT there and burns for a long time. If I was spanked by my godfather I would feel embarrassed that he would see my vulva. Mom always make sure we use the correct terms for our anatomy. Our vulvas are what our parents see when spanking us because the vagina is actually an internal organ. Katrina is starting to grow hair there but not me or Melanie who is only 9.

Mom and dad don’t always do it but they do spank us in multiples of our age too so that Katrina gets multiples of 13, I get multiples of 12, and Melanie gets multiples of 9. A typical spanking is two times our age but sometimes we get three times our age too, and the spankings definitely get harder the older we get. Melanie doesn’t get spanked as hard as Katrina and me but her spankings are still hard and make her cry like a baby needing milk. It always scares me when I hear the wooden spoon drawer open and then close.

In our bedroom there is a long blank wall with wood paneling on it and that is the wall that we are made to put our noses on after our spankings. We have to stand there for thirty minutes too and until we stop crying and our bare red butts stop throbbing in pain. My butt stays HOT for the rest of the day or night and is sore the next day and the day after but by a few days later the spoon marks are gone and so is the soreness.

100 spankings in 2 years is a lot of spankings. Your butt must have always had spatula bruises on it and you must have had gotten used to seeing your godfather and godmother see you cry a lot of tears and probably dance around in front of the fireplace with no panties on and a very red bare butt.

Did your godfather ever give you a few spanks to the backs of your thighs? Mom and dad give us a spanks on the backs of our thighs and when we go out in public people can see the red or purple spoon marks on the backs of our legs below our shorts. In the winter people can’t see them but in the summer they can and especially if we go to the beach in our bikinis.

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[> Subject: Re: About my spanking process

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Date Posted: 17:14:49 01/20/25 Mon

Hi, If I may: Do you have any contact with the couple now?

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[> Subject: Re: About my spanking process

Louise Vancisic Vancisic
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Date Posted: 12:42:29 01/23/25 Thu

Were there other children? Do you think he enjoyed spanking you? How did you feel about him?

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[> Subject: Re: About my spanking process

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Date Posted: 21:34:20 01/23/25 Thu

Your explanation of your first spanking is interesting in that you appeared as you related it to be something you could handle and so just wanted to get it over with. I would have thought that you having to present yourself naked from the waist down to your godparents would have been quite upsetting to you. You were made to stand there as you were lectured and told to keep yourself exposed. Were you not embarrassed beyond belief and did you not dread having to expose yourself each time you were spanked? I suppose the question I am asking is what was your emotional response the first time and did that ever change over time?

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[> Subject: Re: About my spanking process

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Date Posted: 14:09:06 02/24/25 Mon

I'm Stephanie 20 y/o student living at home. I'm caned once a month for whatever my parents feel I did or did not do. Always bare butt and full force swats.

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