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Subject: Re: Introduce Yourself

Allison to Emily
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Date Posted: 19:12:29 01/19/25 Sun
In reply to: Emliy 's message, "Re: Introduce Yourself" on 11:55:51 01/19/25 Sun

Hello Emily.

Thank you for saying hello. I saw that you are not too much older than me and my older sister Katrina and that you still get spankings by your daddy. My mom and dad would agree with your parents decision to still spank your bare bottom even though you are a teenager. You said that your daddy takes off our shirt too when he spanks you. Goodness that would be unbelievably embarrassing and I suppose he does that to your sister too. How old is she? You said that you have one girl cousin and one boy cousin and that they are younger than you. Does your daddy spank your cousins too? Does he take their shirts off too? You are right that your daddy has the right to spank you all, and he has the right to take your shirts off too and spank you totally bare. He is the adult and can decide what is best for you. I would enjoy seeing you get spanked totally bare naked and see your bare backside and your bare front side. Do you and your sister cry? My mom and dad have told us that they have the right and authority to spank us all bare and as they see fit, but they don’t take our shirts off unless they are already off from just wearing a towel after a bath or coming home from the beach and us taking our wet swimsuits off. If we are naked before the spankings start then we stay totally naked during our spankings with the wooden spoon.

I was going to report about Mrs. Davidson and what happened last night but got busy adding messages to other people’s messages and I wasn’t sure anyone was interested in me saying what happened anyway. It was a good night for me and my little sister, Melanie. We behaved well and did not feel Mrs. Davidson’s wooden hairbrush on our bare bottoms. My 13 year old sister Katrina however did not have a good night, not a good night at all. She ended up getting her mouth washed out with soap and a totally blistered bare bottom that was so super red it looked like a red neon sign glowing in the night.

Just before Mrs. Davidson arrived, Katrina threw a tantrum about being too old to have a babysitter and my mom lost it. Katrina had been skating on thin ice for several days and she finally went too far. She had been standing in the middle of the living room wearing her grey cotton sweatpants and hoodie and clean white ankle socks when mom grabbed her by the arm and Katrina started pulling away and resisting which is a HUGE NO NO. Mom said that she didn’t have time to give Katrina what she had coming to her and that Mrs. Davidson would do the honors. Mom walked Katrina to the dining where she took off Katrina’s sweatpants and panties and then stuck her nose in the corner. Between the bottom of Katrina’s grey hoodie and the tops of her white ankle socks Katrina was bare naked and crying because she was afraid of how much pain Mrs. Davidson’s wooden hairbrush was going to spank her bare bottom. Mom told Mrs. Davidson what happened and then she and dad left.

Mrs. Davidson didn’t say anything to Katrina but just carried on as if nothing terrible was about to happen. She just acted normal with me and Melanie and was friendly. Mrs. Davidson saw Katrina standing bare bottom in the dining room. The light was on in the dining room and Mrs. Davidson went and turned it off leaving Katrina bare bottomed in the dark room. The evening went on for a few hours and Mrs. Davidson made popcorn for me and Melanie and we watched a funny movie. Mrs. Davidson told me and Melanie to go upstairs and get ready for bed and to stay upstairs. She had business to attend to with Katrina. Melanie and me stayed up in our bedroom and could soon hear some arguing and Mrs. Davidson telling Katrina to go to the kitchen sink. We heard the water start running and Katrina start begging not to get her mouth soaped. Melanie and me didn’t have to see what was happening to know exactly what was happening. We could hear our bare bottomed 13 year old sister coughing and gagging and then finally things went silent again. A few minutes later Katrina started begging again, only this time she was begging Mrs. Davidson to just hand spank her and to not spank her with her wooden hairbrush. For several long minutes the house was filled with Katrina’s loud yelling and screaming and begging Mrs. Davidson to stop!!! For a long time Melanie and I listened to Mrs. Davidson’s wooden hairbrush soundly spank the tar out of my sister’s bare bottom. The spanks were super loud and Katrina’s hot bawling was even louder.

Do you cry like we do when you get spanked? How long do you have to stay naked after your daddy spanks you and your sister good?

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