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Subject: Long time reader, first-time poster

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Date Posted: 20:11:34 02/15/25 Sat

Hi everybody! I have been reading this and other message boards for many years. I have decided that I want to participate more directly. I have so much to say but don’t want to go on and on.

As my nickname says, I am a 45-year-old dad in the Midwest. I am a real person who has been fascinated/obsessed/addicted to the topic of spanking ever since my earliest memories. I pored over parenting books I the local library, searched for TV and movie references, awkwardly needled friends for details about getting them growing up, and did all the other things people like me do.

I have never really reconciled how much of a part of my life this should be, though. Most of my relationships have been vanilla, but I have been involved in a handful of adult disciplinary ones as well. My marriage crumbled because I could never leave my interest fully behind. I want to be part of the domestic discipline community leave my family out of it. I hope that makes sense.

All that said, I believe strongly in spanking as a disciplinary tool and fully support those who seek it out and respect how much it can help them. I did grow up with it and am happy to discuss my own experiences. They are probably somewhat disappointing if you like detailed descriptions of rituals (as we all do).

I do not know what the future holds other than me being where I am and co-parenting. I would love to talk to like-minded folks if you think we have similar interests and are not a minor or a faker. I admire everyone’s willingness to be forthcoming here. It’s great to be here!

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