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Subject: How attitudes change (for the better)

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Date Posted: 11:46:16 02/27/25 Thu

The sad death of Michelle Trachtenberg made me think.
I was quite a Buffy fan back in the day, but most of my friends agreed with me that Dawn could do with a good spanking.
Can you imagine anyone saying that about a popular character now.

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[> Subject: Re: How attitudes change (for the better)

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Date Posted: 16:25:02 02/27/25 Thu

I didn't watch that show, but I see threads all the time on spanking forums about spanking celebs, or fan-fiction stuff where popular characters get spanked.

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[> [> Subject: Re: How attitudes change (for the better)

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Date Posted: 06:34:48 02/28/25 Fri

LOL now that makes we sound pervy.
Dawn was slightly older than my brother so she could have been my little sister. We openly discussed what should happen to a teen who lied and stole. As punishment not as fun.
I loved watching a series with so many strong female characters who weren't boy mad.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: How attitudes change (for the better)

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Date Posted: 11:39:53 03/01/25 Sat

I think every movie or tv show I watched growing up that had kids in it, I would always imagine things from a parental discipline side of it. However, I didn't talk about it with anyone. The subject was too awkward for me, but it would have been interesting if someone had started the conversation.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: How attitudes change (for the better)

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Date Posted: 15:12:28 03/01/25 Sat

I don't know where and when you grew up but growing up in the 80s and 890s in Southern England most of us got smacked occasionally. Real spankings were in private and I'd have died rather than admit I'd had, or was going to get, one as a teen. Most of my friends were the same. I only found out years later that they got it too.
That said we were all to eager to sit in judgement about others particularly if we didn't like them or didn't know them.
She could do with .... He's not too big ...
Not very nice really but we were all the same.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: How attitudes change (for the better)

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Date Posted: 10:35:13 03/02/25 Sun

I grew up in the US. Spanking was common for small children where I lived in my early youth, but had become unusual for teenagers by the time I reached that phase of life. To me, there was really nothing more embarrassing, and even just the mention of spanking felt very awkward.

I can understand the sentiments you describe having. Maybe if I had talked with others about it, we would have had the same kinds of opinions. Who could use or deserves a spanking is of interest, and not necessarily a mean or sadistic thing to consider. When I imagined it, a spanking was for the benefit of the one being punished, and though painful, the result was always positive.

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[> Subject: Re: How attitudes change (for the better)

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Date Posted: 11:10:28 03/02/25 Sun

As I college student who just turned 20 years old and has a brother that is 17 years old spanking is still alive in our house. As long as we live under mom's roof she says when she feels we need a spanking she will not hesitate to put us over her knee and paddle our bare bottom until it is black and blue. This being the first part of March, I have received 3 spanking this year so far and my brother was received 5 spankings. His latest one was this morning for missing curfew last night. my last one was about three weeks ago for arguing with mom and she said I was back talking her.

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[> [> Subject: Re: How attitudes change (for the better)

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Date Posted: 11:22:36 03/02/25 Sun

Literally "black and blue???" How long does it take to make this happen? What kind of paddle?

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[> Subject: Re: How attitudes change (for the better)

Becky to Intigues
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Date Posted: 02:32:28 03/03/25 Mon

Black and Blue was a figure of speech. It means a very sore bottom of a deep red color.

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