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Subject: Re: Is non consenual spanking ever right?

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Date Posted: 12:22:08 02/28/25 Fri
In reply to: Laura82 's message, "Re: Is non consenual spanking ever right?" on 06:39:35 02/28/25 Fri

Making something illegal has never stopped it from ever happening. The problem for a caring and conscientious husband is not as much the legality as what is best for his wife.

Am I correct in saying that you would feel neglected if your husband did not give you a spanking? If he knows that, then he has your consent. Without knowing, then spanking an adult is not how most adults confront a problem. He could easily make things worse by spanking his wife. The consent part is critical, but if it's not an explicit condition that you've agreed to, then it relies on luck and compatibility. After the fact, he discovers that it worked. He acted not with informed reason, but out of passion, and that is very good for some women, very bad for others.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Is non consenual spanking ever right?

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Date Posted: 15:05:11 03/01/25 Sat

Hi Dana,

I suppose my feelings are mixed.
I hated being being spanked as a child but felt that dad only did it because he cared. I think he was wrong sometimes but I truly believe he always believed he was doing what was bets for me (or my brothers)
I only realised that there was another side to being spanked when I was older and hubby and I have played our share of games, and I've suggested he spanked me a few time when I felt guilty.
It's always been at least semi consensual but I wonder sometimes if I did something really dangerous and he didn't do everything he could to protect me. As I said its never happened and I dont know how I'd react. Sulk probably.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Is non consenual spanking ever right?

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Date Posted: 10:12:07 03/02/25 Sun

Hi Laura. Of course, I can't know how your husband thinks, but it sounds like he should have a good idea when a non-playful spanking would be the right thing to do. Making spanking an adult game is often fueled by at least an underlying connection to the real thing used for punishment, and you've even suggested that to him.

Many adults work this all out in advance, so if you did something really dangerous, having it result in punishment would be no surprise. However, I think in your case, there may be enough of the idea established. You might react the same way you did with your dad, and from the same basic feelings of being cared for, but not happy about the spanking.

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