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Subject: Asking for it

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Date Posted: 04:58:07 03/01/25 Sat

Did you ever ask for a spanking? Who was it? How did they react? Did you get spanked?

I asked my parents a few times back in the day. It was for a variety of reasons, sometimes I knew I was going to get a spanking anyway and figured I’d just get it over with.

Like if I knew I was going to get a bad report card or if I knew I did something bad and I knew they would find out.

With those spankings, I was bare bottom otk with their hand and brush.

Some items I knew I needed a spanking to help focus like on a big project or studying for a test.

If it was like that, my parents would let me pick how I was spanked. Meaning how dressed I was and with what implement. I’d usually be in my bra, sometimes naked and get the brush otk. Strangely enough, I’d score better on the project or test after a spanking.

Now, I can ask my hubby for one if I want. He’s happy to oblige. I’m always naked for spankings with him. With these, we fuck after and it’s amazing.

Any who, I thought I’d see if anyone else had similar experiences

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[> Subject: Re: Asking for it

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Date Posted: 06:02:57 03/01/25 Sat

Yea, there were times that I knew that I was going to be punished and it was better just to confess and get it over with.

The spankings were no less painful, but were usually administered immediately in private rather than in front of the whole family after dinner. That was the only advantage to confessing but you still could not sit for a while.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Asking for it

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Date Posted: 06:26:51 03/01/25 Sat

You are so right about at least it happening in private. Being partially naked or totally naked in private for a spanking and not in front of everyone was much easier to handle. Even if the spanking hurt just as much. A huge bonus was my bed was right there for me to cry on post spanking

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[> [> Subject: Re: Asking for it

Bob to Marcey
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Date Posted: 06:43:26 03/01/25 Sat


I agree with you. If you or your child has done something wrong it is best to discuses it early. If punishment is needed, it can be given and the family can move on.

I strongly believe that spankings should be given in private. However, there is nothing wrong if the family knows that somebody is getting a spanking. It can serve as a warning to the siblings.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Asking for it

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Date Posted: 06:58:59 03/01/25 Sat

The number of times my sister and I got spanked together must be at least 20. Half naked, waiting my turn to get my bottom blistered. Then of course, sent to the corner full a red bottom on display sure sends a message.

Don’t even get me started on maintenance spankings! Everyone who got spanked was naked and had to pick what they would be spanked with

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[> Subject: Re: Asking for it

Intrigued to Belle
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Date Posted: 07:33:19 03/01/25 Sat

You wrote: "Some times I knew I needed a spanking to help focus like on a big project or studying for a test". How did you discover this connection between being spanked school performance? How bad were these spankings? Did you take them well or struggle and squirm?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Asking for it

Belle to intrigued
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Date Posted: 09:19:30 03/01/25 Sat

I think any spanking will make anyone squirm and wiggle. The ones I asked for still left me red and sore, but I think my parents didn’t spank as hard as when they were upset.

I discovered the connection between spankings and school kinda by accident. I earned a spanking the day before a big test. So I after I was spanked, I spent the night in my room studying bare bottom. I did surprising well, even though I struggled in math. So the next time I had a project to work on or a big test, I acted out to see if it happened again. After it happened 3 times, I figured there must have been a connection. Instead of acting out, I worked up the courage to ask. Which was near wracking !

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[> Subject: Re: Asking for it

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Date Posted: 08:17:58 03/01/25 Sat

Growing up I never ever asked for a spanking. I have so difficult accepting that teenagers actually would do this if the spankings really were severe.
As an adult I have asked for spanking many times for various reasons. If I feel I need a good cry I can ask for one, nothing is so relieving as crying out lying over hubbies knees getting spanked with his big hands. More rarely, it has happened that I asked for a spanking because I felt bad about something I did. This would typically result in really hard spankings. Then I have also asked for a spanking when I feel horny. Having sex with hubby after having been properly spanked is just amazing.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Asking for it

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Date Posted: 09:21:08 03/01/25 Sat

The stress relief cry from a spanking is amazing. I feel so calm after.

And a good fucking after a hard spanking is literally the best thing in the world.

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[> Subject: Re: Asking for it

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Date Posted: 11:26:44 03/01/25 Sat

This would not have worked in my family. Spanking only made sense as a punishment, and no one ever wanted one. That's what made it a punishment.

Of course, spanking has other possible uses, both therapeutic and sexual. That was not part of my childhood, and I'm sure my parents would not have accepted this as appropriate to be spanking us for those reasons. However, if it worked for your family, I'm glad it met your desires.

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[> Subject: Re: Asking for it

Cliff (to Belle)
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Date Posted: 20:44:52 03/01/25 Sat

I have know other adults who tell me a spanking helps them focus. but as far as I remember you are the first to say you asked for them growing up.

At what age did you first ask to be spanked to focus?

How often, on average?

Which parent spanked you?

Was it hard to convince your parents you needed a spanking?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Asking for it

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Date Posted: 04:20:01 03/02/25 Sun

I was around 15 or so when I made the connection between spankings and focus.

I usually asked mom as it was less embarrassing being half naked or naked around her.

I grew up in a very pro spanking family. I mean there were weekly group maintenance spankings. So it wasn’t too difficult to convince them I needed one.

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[> Subject: Re: Asking for it

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Date Posted: 05:41:27 03/02/25 Sun

"Strangely enough, I’d score better on the project or test after a spanking."

Do you have an idea how exactly this worked in your case specifically? I've talked about this with other girls (only in the context of adult spanking) and there are different views.

Some say that if something is important enough that you accept a spanking to help you focus, you do better because it's important and because the spanking keeps that in your mind: As soon as your thoughts start drifting, you'll notice that there's a sting in your tail and you better focus because this is important.

In my own case, I think the improved focus is a kind of side-effect being put in such a submissive position. Getting spanked usually makes me exceptionally eager to please, obey and be good. That state of mind is strongest right after the spanking, but it can last for several days and extend to vanilla situations like study and work.

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