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Subject: Golden Ticket

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Date Posted: 11:16:14 03/01/25 Sat

Has anyone else received a golden ticket from their parents to avoid a spanking?

I and my sister and two brothers were supposed to be home by 11:00 PM after seeing a movie. The movie ended at 10:15 PM and we had plenty of time to make it back home with room to spare. My older brother was driving and at the end of the show we all jumped into the car and headed home. But as were driving down the road, another car crossed over into the incoming traffic lane and slammed into a tree. We were not involved in the accident other than seeing it and stopped to help.

With our high school first aid skills we tried to help the two occupants of the car while others arrived. It took only minutes for the police to arrive and one of the officers yelled out if anyone had seen the accident. We raised our hands and soon found ourselves corralled between two police cars while the police officers and the ambulance took care of the accident site.

But while we stood there time ticked away and soon it was 11:00 PM, and then 11:30 and finally 12:00 midnight before the site was clear and the police officer could speak to us. We knew we were dead and he could see how nervous we were. He asked what was wrong thinking we were shaken up by the accident when my youngest brother blurted out that we were going to get our butts set on fire when we got home for being so late.

The officer smiled and said that he would make things right and had each of us write out a statement of what we saw and did. By the time we were able to leave the accident site it was 12:30 and we still had a drive of 15 minutes to get home. The officer told us to drive home and he would follow us and explain the situation to our parents.

When we got home every light in the house was lit including the big floodlight on the driveway. And standing at the door were my mother and father who witnessed us driving in with a police car following us. As we walked up to the door my father already had his belt off and you could see the steam rise up from their anger.

But the officer quickly stated how they should be proud that they had such responsible children, which put a look of shock on both my mother and father. He explained what happened and how helpful we were and how he wished all kids were as responsible as we were.

Now my parents went from scowling anger to smiling faces and the officer soon left. My father told up to go into the living room and wait. Our hearts sank as we still thought that meant that we were going to get the belting of our lives.

But in a few minutes my mother and father came in and said how pleased they were about our actions and obviously no spanking was needed. They then went on to say that because of the praise we received, we each had a golden ticket that we could use to get out of one future spanking.

I don’t think any of us ever used our golden ticket because I was saving mine to avoid the mega-mega spanking that never occurred. But it was an interesting situation that I wonder if anyone else ever had.

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[> Subject: Re: Golden Ticket

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Date Posted: 11:46:41 03/02/25 Sun

Quite a story! As a former ambulance EMT I can tell you that even the simplest first aid skills can potentially save a life until rescue can arrive.

I commend you all for taking the risk of stopping to help. Good that your parents took the stand they did. Golden Ticket was well deserved!

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