Subject: Where do I start? |
Author: Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 04:40:27 03/03/25 Mon
I don't even know where to start. This is the hardest semester ever. I decided to go into teacher, probably elementary. So I have to get top notch grades and really stay focused, go on to graduate school and earn my teaching degree. I'm already behind the 8 ball because I took so long to decide. The spankings that Shelby gives me are real. I do see now when someone here said they thought maybe Shelby didn't really give me hard spankings and I just thought they were and now I see what they meant. The spankings and discipline are getting really real. No playing around anymore. Tbh, if it weren't for Shelby I would have broke by now.
I don't mean to whine but shit has been really bad this year. Since getting back to school my friend who it was looking like we were getting into a relationship doesn't seem to want to have much to do with me anymore. My professor friend isn't playing anymore. She's still very nice to me but she wont put up with any of my bullshit. Me and Shelby don't play like we used to. Our roles have become more disciplinarian. I mean we still talk and everything and have fun, but my spankings are for real and we don't play anymore. She doesn't get me off and stuff. And then all the shit that's going on in the world. I've always tried to stay out of politics on here but this presidency is a disgrace. Everything that I have always held dear, democracy, freedom, unity, loving all people, human kindness, education, human rights, ect are all being targeted and dismantled. I fear for my future and future generations. I'm working my ass off to get an education and for what? Okay, enough of that.
I got it for real a week or so ago with the bathbrush. Holy shit! I mean it hurt enough spanking myself with a bathbrush and even know I didn't spank myself that hard or moved my butt to lessen the blow, it still hurt. But getting it and not being able to control it, holly shit!
Okay, I know it's wrong but when it's really fucking cold or I just don't feel like stopping and going outside to smoke I keep a pop can hidden under my desk and spray Fabreez. Well I got caught and that's when I got the bathbrush and the worst beating of my life. I also lied about it saying I go outside and just put the buts in the can and bring it in. Shelby knows when I'm lying. That was a loooong night and a long couple of days after because I couldn't sit down. Not to mention Shelby was REALLY mad, not just being a disciplinarian. She was mad because I betrayed her trust and I felt like shit internally as well as on my ass.
Well, I'm just checking in. I don't feel like I belong here anymore.
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