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Date Posted: 20:08:00 03/15/25 Sat
1- Using both hand and then hairbrush or paddle. Why not one or the other as I’ve witnessed?
For consenting adults, the hand is used to warm the bottom up first before applying a hard implement, which allows longer spanking and less bruising. For parental spanking stories, the turn on is often for both skin-to-skin and wood-to-skin contact, something that typical real parents don't think about.
2- No rubbing in corner time. Why? Doesn’t that mean you have to be bothered with monitoring them?
Sadism and dominance. Common in fantasy and BDSM. The fear is that rubbing could soothe the pain, and obedience is the demonstration of control. The pleasure of seeing a sub in the corner is no bother. With regard to typical parental discipline, parents make their point with the spanking itself, and don't have the desire or time to prolong the ordeal for their child.
3- Second spankings at bedtime. I can see a second spanking when you get home if the first was just a few swats in public, but why go through it all again if you did it correctly the first time?
Being put to bed with a red hot bottom is an effective way to spank, whether it's an erotic desire, an act of discipline, or both. Generally, you would delay a punishment until bedtime, but a spanking on an already tender behind adds to the excitement for some people.
4- Very long spankings. Seems to me that the one spanked objects a bit for the first 6-8 spanks, starts crying after 10-12, and howls at 20 or more. Some have posted here about far more than that. Is that necessary?
A punishment spanking does not need to take a long time. The point can be made quickly, and still very painfully. But some want to prolong the ordeal, more like a torture technique, possibly modulating the severity so that the spankee can hold on longer. In fantasy, a terrible ordeal can go on for hours but, in reality, there would be trips to the hospital.
5- How moms control older teens, especially boys, who probably could simply roll off your lap if they wanted.
A mom spanking an older teen is most likely a fantasy, and even imaginary boys of large size and great strength can be thoroughly controlled by even the smallest woman. However, if the teen is submissive enough, or scared by other threats like abandonment or deprivation, a real teen could be coerced into acceptance of the most juvenile punishments. In some rare cases, the teen might want the spanking, either as an alternative to other punishments, or for sexual gratification.
6- Why moms discuss spanking and their techniques with other moms, while dads don’t.
With parental spanking fantasy, the majority of anonymous posters are straight males, and most readers of posts are straight males, so the most common discussion is between males posing as moms. Men spanking boys is a minority interest. Moms spanking girls appears to be the most popular scenario, but there are also many men who desire maternal discipline.
7- Why moms spank 12-13 year old boys over the knee, seemingly unaware of how the bouncing on your lap when hormones are raging could create unwanted excitement.
It seems many who pose as moms are very aware of male erections, and they are not unwanted. This is to be expected in a scenario that is erotic to the storyteller.
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