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Subject: Bottom Odor and Cleanliness

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Date Posted: 09:28:12 03/17/25 Mon

Hello All,

I have been lurking this forum for a while now, but this is my first time posting. I have tried to make it as brief, polite, and direct as possible, so, hopefully, everything makes sense/doesn’t make anyone uncomfortable.

These questions apply mostly to bare bottomed (due to exposure) spankings given across the lap (due to physical closeness), but could apply to a wider range of positions/states of dress.

1. Is there ever a concern about the spanking recipient having a smelly/unclean bottom?
2. Have there ever been situations where an odor/uncleanliness is noticeable before, during, or after the spanking?
3. Have there ever been lectures/comments (given or received) about a bad smell/uncleanliness?
4. Is it assumed that a bottom will be smelly/at least slightly dirty due to sweat/skin oils/recent bowel movements/etc. or is a bottom expected to be odorless and clean? In my personal experience, I can only hope for that (an odorless and clean bottom) right after a thorough shower.
5. Are spanking recipients given a chance to freshen up (if needed) before the spanking to reduce/eliminate odor/anything missed when wiping?

I’d love to hear from both spankers and spankees.

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[> Subject: Re: Bottom Odor and Cleanliness

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:18:55 03/18/25 Tue

Does it matter?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Bottom Odor and Cleanliness

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Date Posted: 16:21:21 03/18/25 Tue

Great question!

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[> Subject: Re: Bottom Odor and Cleanliness

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Date Posted: 05:47:38 03/22/25 Sat

Growing up I was spanked naked, so yes, if I was unclean then it would naturally be commented on. For example as a preteen/teenager I used to get spots on my butt and back if I didn't wash them properly in the shower, so Mom would often lecture me about the importance of good hygiene. Similarly if I had put on weight or had lost too much weight. And certainly Mom would give me a scolding and extra swats if my butt smelled or was obviously unclean!

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