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Subject: Pubic Shaving as Punishment. Real? | |
Author: Becca |
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Date Posted: 10:20:58 04/26/16 Tue I have read about this on various fictional story sites so whether or not it is actually practiced is speculative at best. However there seems to be a consensus of opinion that embarrassment is a integral part of punishment for teens and tweens, so it's not a huge stretch to assume there are (or were) parents out there who do (or did) shave off pubies to add a shame element to punishment. In my case my 12-year-old is still bald as a baby down there and I'd probably be doing my 15-year-old daughter a favor (lol), but I'm pretty sure my 16-year-old son would be mortified to not only be showering in PE class with a rosy red bottom, but also a silky smooth crotch. Now, I'm not for a minute saying I would do this and I can't think of anything that would warrant it (catching him in a sex act?) but it would certainly amp up the humiliation factor to new levels. So, is this a thing? Has anyone ever experienced or even heard of it? "Act like a child, be treated like a child." And from that one could extrapolate, "Look like a child." Thoughts? [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
Subject | Author | Date |
Re: Pubic Shaving as Punishment. Real? | curious | 12:42:28 04/26/16 Tue |