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Date Posted: 16:11:39 01/28/20 Tue
Author: mrro0704 (ellen@3stepperss.com)
Subject: Get Ready to Go Pink and Throw Your Money Away with the Data Boutique
In reply to: Pauil Monfort 's message, "Pilfer Your Proxy and Mush your Room with Monfort Pink Promotions" on 16:48:32 01/02/19 Wed

Three Steps to Poverty with Data Boutique

annoy people, gain bad reputation, and lose money fast

Boutique: a French word for "expensive".

Your web site has been idle [ellen@3stepperss.com] for such a long time that no one [jeffrey@thedataboutique.com] even remembers it. And no surprise, that, considering how much you have spent on SEO scammers. But never mind that now.

Now, you can buy mailing lists, guaranteed "opt in", nudge, nudge, wink, wink. The fine people at Data Boutique are just waiting to receive your money and maybe provide you with lists of potential e-mail recipients. From there, you just send out your electronic marketing information and wait for the complaints to start rolling in!

two young kids at beach 768x1000 So many ways to contact our experts:
  1. ellen@3stepperss.com
  2. jeff@3stepperss.com
  3. ellen@thedataboutique.com
  4. jeffrey@thedataboutique.com
  5. info@thedataboutique.com
  6. ellengreenfield@hotmail.com
  7. jeffrey@3stepperss.com
So get ready and send money today, and by this time next week, you could be on everyone's internet black list!

It is true that some people dislike unsolicited commercial e-mail. Not us! We love it! We love it so much we just have to share, which is why your electronic in-box is generally flooded with electronic manure.

Data Boutique
18455 NE 30 Ct
Miami, FLA 33160
Look for the the Send-Safe assurance logos:
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Sending unsolicited e-mail may result in your obtaining santorum after you pay money to the pink promotion scammers. Be sure to tip your server.

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