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Date Posted: 11:29:25 12/10/01 Mon
Author: tom shaughnessy
Subject: Faulty cellphone - can this act as beacon for UFO navigation vectors?

I have a cell phone which has been faulty for some weeks. The battery drains quickly and I have noticed a very high pitched shriek for periods of 2 seconds at a time ( I have timed this).

This only occurs as I pass over a certain point on my journey to one of my work colleagues. The location is quite high so its unlikely there are any repeater stations and there is no obvious Air Force activity.

The battery drain only happens at the same time as the shrieking sound. I realise I am VERY sketchy as to evidence at this time but have learned that the area over which I am travelling (Cairngorms,Scotland) is also reknowned as a spot where the so-called Northern lights phenomenon is observed.

There have been no Northern lights when the shrieking has occured. I have tried using other cell phones,it only happens with this specific one which I dropped and is faulty.

I am wondering whether purely by chance, the phone is somehow acting as a navigation beacon or picking up UFO comms chatter. Has anyone got any ideas on this subject?

I wish to remain anonymous at this time as my family would not believe me.

Thank you.

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