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Date Posted: Thursday, September 26, 02:00:24am
Author: Admin
Subject: Non-celeb childhood experience - 1st grade in elementary school

Sorry if this ends up getting too lengthy, but I don't remember much about the female human belly button as far back as 1977 (when I was 7 years old) & before, but there are a couple things that really stand out from my year in the 1st grade (1976-77). There was very pretty blonde girl named Caroline Rall (I can e-mail a pic of her to Max), who would eventually grow up to become a lawyer. I can't remember whether or not I actually ever saw Caroline's belly button or not, but if I did, it must have been an inadvertent type of exposure.

One day Caroline asked our beautiful teacher, Mrs. Hergesell (I think her name was probably Patricia, but I can't remember for sure), who her favorite student in our class was, and believe it or not, Mrs. Hergesell the teacher said it was me!

If I was in fact really her favorite student in our class, then that makes me regret even more never confessing to her my very personal feelings about the female human belly button at the time. Maybe if I had told her and hinted at how strongly attractive I found her and how much I wanted to see her belly button, maybe she would have been willing to show IT to me, esp. if I were in fact her fave student in the class. Damnit, such a missed opportunity!

Unfortunately, I don't have any pics of the beautiful, very sexy teacher Mrs. Hergesell (I can't even find anything about her on the 'Net, which makes me question if her first name was actually Patricia), but if Max would like to see a headshot of Caroline Rall, I would be happy to e-mail it to him.

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[> Re: Non-celeb childhood experience - 1st grade in elementary school -- Max, Friday, September 27, 10:27:37am [1]

Sure I would like to see her.

I have an early story that I believe may have contributed to my fixation.

I was younger than 10 at least, and I was playing with toys in the living room while my grandmother was watching TV. A commercial came on with a pretty girl in a bikini and my grandmother said "Shame on her for showing her naval."

I am not sure but I believe that is what started it.

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[> [> Non-celeb childhood experience - 2nd grade in elementary school -- Admin, Friday, September 27, 03:36:38pm [1]

Thank you for that! I've sent you an e-mail about Caroline. Now, here's a 2nd-grade experience -

When I was in the 2nd grade (1977-78), there was this extremely pretty & sexy blonde girl named Stacy Buenger (pronounced BING-er), and I wanted to see her belly button so badly, but I just wasn’t getting to see it, as each month of the school year slowly passed. Then one day late in the spring, shortly before the school year was to end, I looked over at Stacy in the morning of our class, and she was in the middle of yawning & stretching, with several inches of yummy belly flesh showing, with a little doughnut-shaped (shaped like a piece of Cheerios cereal) "inbetweenie" right in the center! BELLY BUTTON!!! I was so pleasantly shocked & stunned to see such a sight that I could have almost had a heart attack or something!

Then the next day, or maybe a couple days later, I saw it again! As the weather was getting hotter, summer clothing tends to be much more suitable for belly exposure – either inadvertent/accidental or not! Stacy pulled up her shirt to wipe her mouth on her (front) shirttail at the end of a recess outdoors, and thus I saw that wonderful little “funny scar” in all its glory for the 2nd time.

Then finally, very soon after that, during a recess outdoors she even tied her plaid blouse into a knot, showing off that amazing awkward body part for the whole world, and for my own eyes for just the 3rd time. It was rather incredible to go through almost the whole entire school years without coming anywhere close to seeing it, then all of a sudden seeing IT 3 times, in spectacular fashion, in a matter of just a few or several days, right before the school year ended (early June), when all hope would have been lost!

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[> [> [> PS -- Admin, Friday, September 27, 03:42:41pm [1]

All hope would have been lost at the conclusion of our school year in June, not only for that year, but likely permanently because I had been informed that Stacy & her family would be moving to Chicago (from central Ohio), and I would end up never seeing her again, sadly. In fact, I've never been able to find out anything that ever happened to her after she & her family moved to Chicago.

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[> A little bit more about Caroline -- Admin, Saturday, September 28, 01:59:27pm [1]

Very disappointingly, and defying mathematical probability, after the 1st grade I was never fortunate enough to ever again be in the same class with Caroline - not just throughout elementary school, but all the way through high school. What are the odds of that?! She eventually married someone she met at our junior high school, and now she apparently lives in my hometown again.

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