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Date Posted: Saturday, January 18, 04:18:43pm
Author: Admin
Subject: More accumulated (BB) links, but not necessarily checked/reviewed

Thanks to both BellyEx & Max for their latest replies, and yes - Bailey was indeed a truly awesome cat. Almost too great to be true.

Now, here's some stuff on that curvy-smooth, creamy-smooth "semi-private" part that we love -

Destiny’s Child - https://www.ebay.com/itm/267120518105?

Melissa Joan Hart, but pierced - https://www.ebay.com/itm/256775173208?

Alison Brie - https://www.ebay.com/itm/126876015483?

weird medical article that’s only slightly on-topic, as the BB is only mentioned once - https://www.newvision.co.ug/category/health/dealing-with-a-baby-born-with-no-anal-opening-NV_202695

Rhiannon Fish – bikini shots available on the 'Net, incl. her own Instagram


NOT Troian, but an unidentified young lady next to her - https://i.gawby.com/mjaymw/mdu/mtq/mta/mjk/t/r/m/troian-bellisario-bikini-at-ipanema-beach-in-rio-de-janeiro-49661865540.jpg

elderly model Tera O’Hara -

https://www.instagram.com/teraohara/p/CvPw72Rso5u/ - hard to see
https://www.instagram.com/p/B8JxjCjgF9L/?img_index=1 - the only decent view of her belly button that I've ever been able to find; please read her caption describing how rarely she ever wears a bikini

Amber Marshall, but very unfortunately this Facebook link apparently no longer works - https://scontent-ord5-3.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/468596302_122099108534642933_8208213883209593003_n.jpg?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=833d8c&_nc_ohc=CCjYUkNEe48Q7kNvgHCoMTs&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-3.xx&_nc_gid=AYxqmH5xDGx17GhGd7bOTrQ&oh=00_AYBYqK7W2GB2SHUADZ7rgwt0nTAz0FfceM5vB-Cs7jOaMg&oe=6789FA41

Amber Marshall (could be the pic of the link that doesn't work above, or could be a different one, as unfortunately I just can't remember) - https://scontent-ord5-3.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/468596302_122099108534642933_8208213883209593003_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s720x720_tt6&_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=833d8c&_nc_ohc=lz3PUnV1MjwQ7kNvgHU2E2N&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-3.xx&_nc_gid=A2YhMUh-xJALSX_RSxzTkA6&oh=00_AYBmxIs4bJtje5EpSIsJDUp8jdQOHbCppt9UXzE3nLxTpg&oe=6791E341

criminal defense attorney Sara Azari, who is a fitness enthusiast, which is what allowed me to find these particular pics -


Joan Collins - https://i.pinimg.com/736x/bf/2b/6e/bf2b6e1b68d4041bb27a5745bb4ddb55.jpg

Joan again - https://pagesix.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2015/05/155476017.jpg?quality=80&strip=all&w=265

Joan again - https://i.pinimg.com/736x/12/9e/b2/129eb2704d42417583347684f7ad89d3.jpg

unidentified, but could be Addison Rae - https://static.gofugyourself.com/uploads/2022/10/shutterstock_editorial_13501760dn-1666926975-600x900.jpg

Keri Russell - https://images.plex.tv/photo?size=large-1920&scale=1&url=https%3A%2F%2Fmetadata-static.plex.tv%2F8%2Fgracenote%2F8f534098f9c3ddff6e105ce0f713bf11.jpg

one of the members of Vixen, on the far left (front cover of a bootleg DVD) - http://www.dadgad.jp/lm/gallery_images/250114213818.jpg

essentially just 1 pic on the page of this article - https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/jessica-chastain-iconic-jolene-photo-115800193.html

unidentified, but probably not Julie Piekarski, although it could be Melissa Joan Hart (again) - https://www.sitcomsonline.com/boards/attachment.php?attachmentid=267602&stc=1&d=1630715832

Angelique Pettyjohn in black, but the rest are unidentified, although Melanie Vincz could be the one on the ground - https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYTQ5MjkxMmItOGU5ZC00NTJhLTlmNDctNGZhZWM2OGNlZDBhXkEyXkFqcGc@._V1_.jpg

Melanie Vincz, very unfortunately the only pic of her that I could find - https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/rhEAAOSwdIFXwvZm/s-l1600.webp

larger version - https://i.etsystatic.com/27073341/r/il/1a1666/3548019099/il_fullxfull.3548019099_36zl.jpg

Melanie has at least somewhat of a resemblance to the navel-shy Dana Wheeler-Nicholson, who has given us only a slight upper peeker, as the other BB pics of Dana are actually those of a body double rather than the actual Dana herself.

Susan Brainard, scroll down this page roughly halfway for the only pic that I could find of this former '60's model or supermodel - https://modelhistory.wordpress.com/2015/08/21/4634/

apparently Viki Kilstrom in one of the “Bad News Bears” sequel movies, you can stop watching less than halfway through - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GbzfsvSY7I

Anyone ever see Catherine Hicks in the pilot, premiere, or very 1st episode of “The Bad News Bears” TV series in 1979? She wore her blouse tied in a knot to at least expose some upper midriff, but was her belly button ever showing? I tried to find it on YouTube, but to no avail.

Tragically, beautiful actress Leslie Charleson passed away a few days ago at the age of 79. Her belly button can be seen in the 1973 movie "The Day of the Dolphin" that stars George C. Scott & his beautiful wife Trish Van Devere. Very unfortunately, I never been able to find the belly button of the apparently navel-shy Trish, but at least I was quite happy to see the late Leslie's in that 1973 film.

Lindsay Arnold – https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/K0pl5Fe2zyV.AWhv.jcJmw--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTI0MDA7aD0xNjAw/https://media.zenfs.com/en/people_218/30904bc0af9a19495d530a9b7b23f5a6

OnlyFans influencer Bonnie Blue, but pierced - https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/gIppuqc.UNHGep1VOZJFig--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTI0MDA7aD0xMzUw/https://www.usmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/ISIMG-BonnieBlue.jpeg

haven’t listened to this myself yet, but here’s an article about a podcast, featuring an audio clip, which could be lengthy, that includes a discussion about outies - https://wgci.iheart.com/featured/angela-yee/content/2025-01-14-1119-angela-yees-lip-service-ls-episode-485-follow-me-back-feat-khoatic-ste/

unidentified model, maybe even a “supermodel”, from the ‘60’s/’70’s - https://www.sixtiescity.net/Fashion/Models/H%20HW.jpg

Apparently the model’s name is Heide Wiedeck

Heide again - https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EA1LZGRXoAAQhdc.jpg

Heide again - https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EA1LZGOXUAA8-Wx.jpg

Lisa of Blackpink - https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/lGk8MDtpd85.mRTFqjYFdg--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTIwNDg7aD0xMTUy/https://media.zenfs.com/en/mandatory_995/8b41d314a7edc865945f99151cbb92d6

at least 3 pics on the page of this article - https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/podcaster-brianna-lapaglia-covers-sports-153518155.html

at least 4 pics on the page of this article - https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/lindsay-arnold-shows-off-breast-153403683.html

article about porn star on OnlyFans getting bizarre requests from fans - https://www.newsbreak.com/the-mirror-us-1900780/3763500509429-i-get-some-very-strange-requests-as-an-adult-star-from-farting-to-belly-button-play

Taylor Misiak - https://64.media.tumblr.com/75c4e6d92bbaf4cb9a8efe409a5f180e/7de4ddb2bfef17a8-d7/s2048x3072/7f5bf5ff6b7c6f87a953b8feaf070d47173494ff.jpg

Taylor Misiak -

https://www.instagram.com/p/B9xD1RvlHu8/?img_index=2 – brief video

Taylor might also be in the following on her own Instagram, but I'm not sure -


either Emma Parks (if a young lady) or Laurel Nail (if a young girl) - https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56cdc4478259b5c112bb2285/57b08623-b73b-4a83-8103-ea4d6dc514aa/dirty+towel.png?format=1500w

unidentified, but apparently NOT Taylor Misiak, although she could be Jennette McCurdy - https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS0hweBduUrvsA4JxusSV1zyzCCi0Cf2qDY3g&s

Keep scrolling down until you see several thumbnails - https://www.hawtcelebs.com/airlie-walsh-in-bikini-at-bondi-beach-in-sydney-02-29-2020/

Keep scrolling down, down to the thumbnails - https://www.hawtcelebs.com/adrianne-nina-in-bikini-for-138-water-ohotoshoot-01-13-2020/

Jan Stephenson, but could be the same as previously posted - https://www.ebay.com/itm/365345979688?

Jan Stephenson, but could be the same as previously posted - https://www.ebay.com/itm/356449774333?

Have we ever seen Jessica De Gouw's belly button? I seem to remember only having posted a poor side view of it, but now I can't even find that pic anymore.

Keshia Chante, but pierced - https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ezg7x0pVkAYmMdi.jpg:large

Kristen Stewart - https://www.ebay.ie/itm/324332387065?


brief video of Savannah Guthrie, a former attorney who is also a chief legal correspondent for NBC, saying “belly button”, followed by article below - https://pagesix.com/2025/01/16/entertainment/savannah-guthrie-threw-away-hoda-kotbs-s-t-after-today-exit/

From the article https://crfashionbook.com/body-modification-tattoo-piercing-trend/ , comes the following quote in it -

“This is the age where I am taking all of the belly button scars out of my tummy tucks. It’s like those trends where they say ‘If you had those shoes in the ‘90s, it’s time for Botox’? If you had a belly button piercing, [it] may be time for a tummy tuck.” Dr. Parcells said. “Because it’s how time is lining up, where all of the women who were growing up in the ‘90s and early 2000s got their belly buttons pierced and now they’re happy to see the scar go away with the tummy tuck.”

unidentified, but one of them could be Julie Gonzalo, whom I may have previously posted - https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1194672/mediaviewer/rm2882174209/?ref_=nm_ph_1_3

Julie Gonzalo's belly button can be seen in bikini pics that shouldn't be too hard to find on the 'Net.

Anyone ever seen Rachel Accurso's belly button? She's the one who is famous on YouTube & social media as "Ms. Rachel", but a brief search for hers turned up nothing even close, unfortunately.

What if in all women’s sports, there was a penalty for inadvertently showing the ol' belly button?

As for the "surprise gift" for Max's 2 cats Sage & Bennie, whom I hope are doing as well as possible, I got the old fitness book a few days ago, and there are only 3 or 4 small B&W photos that show the very rare belly button, and I'll scan them soon, upload them, then finally post them here. But I discovered an endorsement of the book on the back cover of it from one of her friends who was a model or supermodel way back in the '60's and/or '70's. So I searched for the friend (supermodel) on the 'Net, and I found a B&W pic on GettyImages that essentially ruins the "surprise" - because it's actually even better than the 3 or 4 small B&W photos in the fitness book!

My name isn't Larry. Corky The Great Corkab's name isn't Larry either. And Corky's name isn't Fred either.

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[> Re: More accumulated (BB) links, but not necessarily checked/reviewed -- Max, Monday, January 20, 07:39:25pm [1]

Great pictures! Thanks for all your hunting and sharing! I look forward to the pics from Getty and the book.

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