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FREE Sperm Donors - USA

This forum is for posts of sperm donors and recipients ONLY.

This is moderated, yes I am a real human being, and I DO come on here from time to time and delete the posts of scammers and bots. It seems every couple days there’s someone trying to sell parrot eggs and drugs or pills, post links to online casinos or porn. I WILL DELETE YOU, I will also BAN your IP, this is 2023, don’t waste your time posting. DO NOT ADVERTISE A LINK, BUSINESS OR ANOTHER SITE, YOUR POST WILL BE DELETED.

To the sperm donors and the single women or couples posting here, please post your location and be sure to include some way to get in contact with you. If you are looking for AI, PI, or NI, please be clear in your post. Please be respectful, and know that there are those of us here looking to truly help others. Be sure to confirm STD results of your donor or recipient, I always advise that you discuss everything up front about expectations beforehand and don’t be in a rush. Feel free to make a post here also with questions should anyone have them. Best wishes to all!

Your adventure to having a baby of your own, or helping someone conceive a child of their own, begins right here………

Archives: 12 ]

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