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Date Posted: 19:29:33 05/27/03 Tue
Author: Kamali and Evermor
Subject: ...
In reply to: Rinyosan 's message, "Whoo boi! Angry Tarok! =O,O=" on 14:14:53 05/27/03 Tue

Silver fur rustles once as the wind moves it, but in the second that any beast may have turned, the creature is gone. Russet flank flicks in and out of visible existance, the soft thud of paws against the earth the only give away before a muscular Kilven dives from the ledge of the crater, wings pinned tight against his body, though the course is unwavering despite the landing of theslightly smaller, yet equally powerful feline upon his back. Within a second, they have reached the shadows of a crag on the opposite side of the crater.

Saberfangs and a lengthy muzzle are all that emerge from darkness, sharp yellow eyes remaining closed, for the sharp whiff of the muzzle would retain all information necessary. The muzzle retracts into darkness. All Biped. Two of warrior scent, one metallic, one who typically wore metal weaponry but was without. One recognizable Tokathe, Donovan's blood... Skavan. About time that grey got back; though it was an interesting scent on him now. He'd aged in more then body. As for the last... no. There was another here. A ship emitting heat. Smelled of the same metal as the feline's mech. Likely the same species. No hostility in the scent there... and, the acted seperately. These were not Rjin.

Earflick... and Kamali caught the last comment spoken. A wry grin played the part of wicked amusement over daggers of teeth. Not bothering to mount her Kilven Linked for the final descent but instead lunging from the Cavern. Powerful haunches curling beneath her to help her already compact body to absorb the landing.

Her red Evermor wasted no time to land behind her, having already caught his lifemate's thoughts and warning her of his prescence behind her. Together they stalked forward, and Kamali tilted her head to all in the briefest of nods...

"I happen to have a local on hand..."

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