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Date Posted: 14:14:53 05/27/03 Tue
Author: Rinyosan
Subject: Whoo boi! Angry Tarok! =O,O=
In reply to: Januya 's message, "..." on 18:52:42 05/26/03 Mon

The young Masi keeps a cheerfully unhostile expression on her blunt muzzle, thumbs hooking into her elastic waistband easily and thick tail coiling behind her. The Tokathe isn't taking her arrival too well, she notes, though the black Tarok's icy attitude isn't much better. Well-used to sensing the slight fluctuation in temperature that betrays her friend's mech, Rin relaxes very slightly, though to be honest it's not like she's that tense. Sure, everyone here could slaughter her... but would they? She doubts it. Myk's comment earns him a chuckle, the Masi grinning fearlessly. "I've my weapon. It's sitting right there," and she flicks a long ear at the motionless, gold-hulled MM-BOB. Januya's introduction is taken in stride and the tabby inclines her torso in a shallow bow to both grey and black, hopefully placating them with formalities. She understands the Lavanian use of 'my' and muffles a grin when she realizes the Tokathe himself might not. Then, silence falls after Januya's statement. The gold-eyed glance her way is unnerving, but the Masi grins brightly. "S'why I'm here. Clean-up crew. My MM-BOB has firepower roughly equivalent to a single-Olashi fightership. And I have assorted handweapons." One white-furred brow arches as green eyes sparkle in amusement, "Although we should probably find a local who knows what's going on before we start shooting. Just a thought." She shrugs lightly, apparently totally at ease in the company of almost complete, armed strangers.

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