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Date Posted: 09:31:21 12/03/04 Fri
Author: Tarjhi
Subject: ((flight-joy))

So this... is Etreus...

A broad, unrestrained grin creased a blackened lupine muzzle as a small body flung itself from a cliff edge into the winds and spread wood-brown wings--one powerful stroke sent the Canis aloft and into a dizzying spiral downwards, speed ever increasing with each dropping foot. The wind was harsh but not frigid, and the ebony-and-tawny femme let her tongue loll out gleefully as she tasted it. Etreus was said to be a place of nightmares, bloodshed, and death--but all she could see here was a glorious open sky and a peaceful lake below.

Tarjhi slowed her spiraling descent reluctantly, presenting the breadth of her winds to the air currents and relinquishing her speed as the earth rushed up to claim her. Thick fur rippling with the flow of the air over her small frame, the Canis backwinged several times to settle in a cloud of sandy dust near the great lake's shores, broad paws crunching against the soil loudly with her less-than-perfect landing. Sneezing several times, she bounded away from the cloud she had raised, shaking the dust vigorously from her dual-colored pelt. Soft golden eyes alight with flight-joy, she glanced around her for the first time, slim muzzle lifted to sift through varying fresh and old scents in the brisk breeze.

((OOC~ I don't know if Phamiile and Torch are still active here; if they are, can I join in? XD;;))

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