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Date Posted: 18:57:09 09/23/04 Thu
Author: Phamiile - Yukinae ( Kyrusk )
Subject: Glory

There is the thundering of hooves over the plain, though it belongs to just one. Head thrown back, Phamiile spreads his arms as the dirt tosses in his gilded wake. Kyrusk clings to his back - he would not be able to keep up with the swift, steady lope that the Shifter and Kilven keep up. Yukinae's bloody hide ripples out behind her, undulating like water over her healthy and muscular frame. The cliffs are soon upon the trio, and Phamiile's dashing run flows into an elegant lunge. Massive sails extend and - as if in the water - slam down, air catching beneath each and buffeting the Shifter higher into the air. Cardinal's crimson blurs from humanoid shoulders, higher up, to support said torso. Phamiile's heart skips a beat, thrill grabbing him by the throat and spinning him around in its hot-cold grasp. He did not fly as often as he should. Yukinae makes a few bumbling leaps, wings outstretched, before managing to flap and jump at the right times to give her extra height. She tumbles a little, wings beating swiftly and awkwardly. Phamiile swoops down beside her and dislodges Kyrusk, hovering there by flicking the tips of his maneouverable fins. The purple Vae squawks with indignance but lets the white observe his flight patterns. She swiftly gets the hang of it and her instincts kick in - they make a slow ascent to the lake at the top.

Phamiile lands, backwinging for a few moments while picking a way to ease himself the rest of the way down. Kyrusk resettles himself on Phamiile's muscular haunches, curling up and murring. Yukinae gives the petite Vae a fond nudge, dislodging him and sending him to the grass below. The Shifter rears and leaps forth, galloping for the lake, tail whipping and lashing behind him. Another jump at the shore sends him in a graceful arc with a not-so-graceful splash to conclude it. The black, glassy surface of the midnight lake is torn and ripples scatter, plumes of dark, cold water explodng upwards as Phamiile plunges in. He dips beneath the surface, gills opening and spluttering slightly - a bit rusty - while opalescent fins adjust to the surrounding liquid. As elegant in the water as he is in air, perhaps moreso, he delves further into the deeps, drinking at times and just enjoying the all-encompassing blackness of this silent world..

Meanwhile, Yukinae lumbers into the water from the bank, immediately flopping and lolling about in the shallows. Flakes of grime and blood detatch from her pelt and skin - the sand beneath her acting like something of a brush. She grooms in a feline manner, not resting until her startling fur is as clean as possible. When the Kilven rises, she's like a ghost on the shore, an almost luminescent paleness totally offset by the shadows of midnight. The farwaway moon and stars hold nothing to her very real and night-glowing whiteness..

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