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Date Posted: 19:19:26 06/03/03 Tue
Author: Kalya - Layae
Subject: Entering the conversation?
In reply to: Rivis and Riis 's message, "-Another Thing to Chew-" on 14:07:01 06/01/03 Sun

A gold Kilven pads in softly, five-clawed paws hitting the hard ground with relatively little noise. Pausing in the shadow of a cave, the Kilven waits, draconic wings folded behind her back. What she waits for is clear - a Coinshifter, no longer 'just' human is close behind, melding into the shadows while at the same time resting a hand gently on the Kilven's side. The female is a quieter contrast to the bright gold creature at her side - with simple brown hair falling to the area between her chin and shoulders, plain green-brown eyes and a pert nose, she's nothing special. The muscles in her arms are a testament to hard work, however, and she carries herself with dignity. The two carry on a silent exchange, briefly.

These new features...they're so hard to get used to, Kalya, the Kilven mentally grumbles to her Linked. I know, Layae, but you're not the only one with new features, she murmurs thoughtfully, stroking the delicate webbing on her hands, able to help her propel through the water, and the gills lingering near her eyes, allowing her to breathe underwater. The gold appears restless, eyes and neck shifting to betray this emotion accordingly. Should we go talk to those, over there? They've heard relatively little of the conversation, only what Layae can catch with her ears, and neither is sure what to do next. Don't know, Layae, Kalya answers. Do they seem against the Rjin, as we are? Or for them?

Only one way to find out, Layae decides, and begins stalking toward the group of cretts, both human and...not so. Kalya follows after a moment's brief hesitating, waiting for the current speaker to finish before announcing, eyes narrowed: "I am Kalya, and this is my Linked, Layae. Are you for the Rjin, or against them?" A bit of a dramatic entry, to be sure, but one can never be too careful. Or at least that's what Kalya's experience has taught her. Forgive the question.

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