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Date Posted: 14:07:01 06/01/03 Sun
Author: Rivis and Riis
Subject: -Another Thing to Chew-
In reply to: Januya 's message, "..." on 11:30:59 05/31/03 Sat

"I assure you ranks and weaponry are not everything."

~Of course the comment came from the albino Rujif. Riis flicked an ear and his brother swung his tail discreetly, efficiently wiping the cocky grin from the albino's muzzle. A snarled formed and died in his throat as the black Rujif listened intently to the Peshin, regarding everyone quite coolly. So far, all everyone had done was pledge to fight, pledge that things would die, and quickly, and soon, if they hapenned to get in their way. But an evolving Rujif mind was a dangerous thing. Especially when sarcasm and self knowing began to develop.~

~The pair knew their strength. And the albino had wit, but the black male still inquired further into his thoughts. Rivis spoke slower than Riis. Carefully, the subject could not be stepped on so much. however, he inquired it. Who was going to stop him from speaking? His tone was almost threatening. He had become slightly irritated by Januya's seeming lack of thought for what seemed to be the large problem here. he directed his thoughts towards Kamali, considering she would know the answer.~

"While Januya jin Jekki believes she must be pointed at the enemy to kill them, I don't believe she can be pointed to the enemy without being pointed to a victim of the enemy. You say Rjin take over the bodies or minds of these more powerful Tokathe. Which means that killing the enemy means killing the innocent, insofar, as much as we know right now. You may correct me if I'm wrong, but I am questioning the method of pure brute force as the most efficient method. I normally would not question, brute strength is not a problem for my species."

~He broke a grin along with his albino brother, and continued in the guttural tone.~

"However I would like to inquire if you have found any way of killing Rjin without killing their...I guess you could call them hosts."

~The quick evolution of speech was evident, if any had known the Rujis before, as was Rivis thought processing. He sat back on his haunches and tossed his horns. Perhaps a little too violently. One of the white bands loosened up and slid. However, it was quickly put back into place as he reached up with a huge paw to slide it without to much difficulty back into place.~

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