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Date Posted: 21:21:32 05/25/03 Sun
Author: Myk
Subject: Yet Another Landing...
In reply to: Januya 's message, "..." on 20:59:45 05/25/03 Sun

A sudden boom crashes through the sky as a tiny black speck on the horizon crashes past the atmosphere... flaming a bit until the cooler air wipes the golden sheen from it's hull and the purely black mech begins to lower it's angle of descent.... swerving out over Arafette and then seeming to shift midair, hovering devices pulling out from the hull and slowly allowing the tiny craft to come to a landing. It stayed put for a moment... a few beeps and soft whooshes of machinery working it's tests the only noise. After a long moment, all of the various gadgets retract, and a loud intake of air is heard as vents open to the outside world. A click, and the hull opens... a soft click of talon against metal interior, a glimpse of gold, and a soft whirr of wind as something blows past both black and grey... only to suddenly "reappear" before them. It is a Tarok, tan in formation, with a gun in place of an arm currently aimed half at the ground, and half at the beasts before him... a defensive position, but not necessarily threatening. It pauses a moment, violet eyes flickering over the grey Tokathe in recognition of a native of the planet... but taking a much longer stay on the black beast...

He hadn't seen one of his own kind in a very long time.

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