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Date Posted: 20:59:45 05/25/03 Sun
Author: Januya
Subject: ...
In reply to: Skavan and Seka 's message, "Landing..." on 20:49:26 05/25/03 Sun

Unease. Jan has been in plenty of iffy situations and this feels like one of them. Sharp golden eyes scan the screens, and some surprise flashes across her sleek black muzzle as there's a total lack of defense. Well, perhaps Etreus' machinery recognized Skavan, just not as Distant... but she doubts it. The Tarok curls her twin longclaws inwards, letting the razor-sharp tips touch the insides of her wrists: her version of clenched fists. A deadly silver blade flashes, instinct forcing her to twirl it and shine the ship's lights off the polished surface-- and then, the slight bump of landing.

Januya feels utterly naked without her typical gunband, and in fact without any weapon to speak of, save her own body. That thought brings a grim smile to her muzzle, which quickly vanishes as the hatch opens and she follows the grey Tokathe out. She sniffs cautiously, half-lidding her eyes to sort the bizarre scents. "I smell blood and machinery." Her voice is calm and almost toneless; it's not a question. Leaning forward as she takes caution to heart, the Tarok stalks to Skavan's side, thick tail tense and blade flashing constant warnings behind her. "What's going on, Skavan?" Intense gold eyes dart to the grey's face, then away, scanning the shores of the lake. Though she's come to trust the Tokathe, her danger-sense is screaming in her ear and she trusts her instincts more.

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