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Date Posted: 19:46:31 07/18/03 Fri
Author: Onaru and Cadoc
Subject: *G* How accurate Jaedo's eyes are...
In reply to: Jaedo 's message, "White flash -- wry grin in the midst of shadow." on 19:19:45 07/18/03 Fri

The young Aluben mentally shakes his head; that couldn't have been approval he saw in those brilliant eyes. Drawing himself up to an 'average' height of five feet at the toned shoulder and arching his long neck, the golden male half-scowls at the slightly shorter Vhena. "I don't need protection." Cadoc snorts her disagreement, snickering; Onaru ignores her and tosses his long muzzle, horns tingeing blue as he ups his vision to ultraviolet to take a long-eyed look around. He inhales deeply, but one sniff from Cadoc tells her far more than the Aluben could find out. "There were a lot of beasties around here," the spy murmurs in a low, steely tone, lowering her sleek muzzle to sniff the earth. "Interesting."

Sunset gaze locks onto the shadowy beast and the Lavanian snorts softly as she raises her head. "I was wrong, then," she purrs dangerously, snake-like eyes narrowing. "You're a paid assassin, not a mercenary. Interesting." Onaru notes the deadly undertone and his vision falls to infrared, his automatic response to danger as with infrared he can easily see vital organs within the beasts around him. However, his normally-mellow voice grated out with some tension, "There is not time to waste. I know where Sioveph's ship crashed. I'm going there now. If you two would like to come," I couldn't care less, "that would be appreciated." Thankfully the Aluben isn't a telepath, but as the male braids his tails in preparation for running and turns slightly, his vision returns to normal and he wonders if the two will come or not.

Cadoc snorts for a third time in the past twenty seconds and rolls slit-pupiled eyes. "If only to keep you from ruining this little mission we have going here," she says noncommittedly, equine ears canted backwards.

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