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Date Posted: 18:40:47 07/21/03 Mon
Author: Matriarch, Rifu, Otonan,
Subject: ...

Hoofbeat against soil as shining neon gaze took a long look over her surroundings. The enoromous green-furred female stood at the top of a sharp cliff, overlooking a seeming crator, sided by mazes, filled with water, and surrounded by the scent of fire and burnt metal. The proud muzzle wrinkled instinctively, taking in both scents and pain... And departure. Most likely the other members of the core would have avoided this place... and yet.

Rifu paused along side of the cliff ledge, hiding among shadows... was not his idea of fun but it worked. His tail flicked once behind him, muzzle pressed flat against the cool surface of stone. He smelled the water, and the fire, and his own sweat. It was terrible here... He needed to search for others. And yet, if he died, and who knew what beasts were out there... what good would he be?

A brown muzzle lifted from the forests surrounding the crater, eyes focusing on the distant green figure on the edge of the crater. A smile curved ever so slightly on the chocolate maw.


Pink eyes lifted to the forest. Otonan would be there... as for Rifu. Her gaze flicked to the hidden mazes. The gold would be there. Hiding. Earflick. She'd best go find him... but not without a welcoming bugle. Should any other beast hear her and choose to disrupt her path... they would likely die. She had kindred to find.

Rifu heard the bugle and with a deep sigh of relief, returned the sound... Shining pelt pressed away from the damp security of caverns and emerged into the light and sand. Russet decorations clattered noisily as he zoomed towards the oncoming figure... grinning good naturedly.

Otonan waited in the forests. Matriarch knew he was there.

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