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Date Posted: 10:58:44 09/19/03 Fri
Author: Lifowa and Era
Subject: Heh heh. I live. Really. u,u;;
In reply to: Eliqui, Hora, Hashe, Aduuni. 's message, "Heheheh... The queen is back with less of a vengeance" on 11:56:30 08/28/03 Thu

Cerulean orbs take in the relaxing of the three bipeds' stances and Lifowa makes a slight effort to let the tension drain from her own petite frame. However, she does not lessen her TK-drawn boundary; Era still prances at the edge of the invisible crescent, snorting occasionally and slashing the air with a pair of curved hoofblades unsheathed. The black turns her mind to the subject of conversation, but her brother speaks first, as he's now been included in the telepathy.

We search our kindred. They and we were separated by what seemed an explosion on our home planet. We are sure they yet live, however, and are here to find them if here they be.

Once again, the red's odd fluency of speech unnerves his older sister; Lifowa shakes her muzzle lightly, adding her more rippling alto. My brother speaks truth. We are called Kathas -- have you seen any others like us? We are hard to mistake, I believe. The lightest tinge of amusement colors the last sentence. Era growls under his breath and snaps in Kathan, 'Lay down your guard, sister. I shan't harm them.' The black snorts, 'No, Era. I trust you but they are aliens to us. What you might think is harmless may offend them.' Rust-gold eyes blinks rapidly in a confused expression as Lifowa returns her attention to the Phia.

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