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Date Posted: 21:01:13 06/09/04 Wed
Author: Seleth
Subject: Wandering
In reply to: Sushi 's message, "OOC Note-- Voy is hating HTML again... >,<;;" on 18:05:30 06/08/04 Tue

Violet eyes stare quietly into the depths of the quivering translucent lake, paws dampened by the thick mud that swells slightly as her weight is placed upon the soil. The aging Canis wades out into the water slowly, feathered wings held carefully aloft above the gentle ripple of the lake until her paws no longer touched the bottom. It is then that she curls her legs beneath her and allows her wings to fold loosely against her sides, providing both balance and boyancy.

Silence pervades everything for a few peaceful moments, and Seleth allows herself to cherish it while it lasts, thinking of nothing, literally nothing, in order to forget the pain for just a few brief moments. Reality will return soon enough, and she shall be there to face it head on. Still, for now, she needs the quiet... and the peace.

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