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Date Posted: 20:18:22 06/14/04 Mon
Author: Anzu
Subject: Firesong
In reply to: Seleth 's message, "Wandering" on 21:01:13 06/09/04 Wed

Wings beating powerfully, Anzu sings as she soars through the skies, brilliant plumage touched with the fire of the Pheonix. She spots her destination, and draws her wings in, tucking her arms against her chest as she dives, going faster, faster...
She throws her wings out, feeling them ache as they catch the air, her fingertips just touching the water as she banks and glides up a few meters, looking for a clear spot to land. :: There, :: her brain points out, :: There's a streach of muddy bank.::
Anzu smiles, banking again and heading towards the spot, straightening in the air so that her wings slow her, feet streaching out and braced to land. Her toes toutch the ground, and she starts to run into the landing, slowing her pace quickly.
"Ahhh..." She streaches her wings out for a moment, then draws them against her back. "I havn't flown in FAR too long." Anzu twirls happily, the twelve-year-old showing through as she starts to tra-la-la in her Pheonix-beautiful voice.
Halfway through a twirl, she pauses, looking out over the lake.
"Hullo, friend Canis. Beautiful today, is it not?" And she launches into song again.

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