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Date Posted: 07:36:27 03/04/17 Sat
Author: Hannah
Subject: Hi

I grew up with a few spankings by hand or a wooden spoon for severe misbehaviors, for misbehaviors when I was caught. I was a very sneaky naughty girl and feel like I deserved way more spankings especially during my teenage years. I feel like this has an effect on my early adult life, which is why I feel spanking is very effective. I feel alot of guilt for the things I have done that much needed cathartic spankings would have made a huge difference in my life.
I love my parents dearly and grateful for the forgiveness they have shown me, despite the things I have done, even in my young adult life. Drinking,smoking, maxing out my parents credit cards just to name a few.
Reading the old forum about good old fashioned bare bottom spankings given by parents here, is what I needed and deserved.
If I would have received, for example, Tessa's think leather strap blistering on my bare bottom frequently, I wouldn't have done half the things I have done. Although such spankings would be excruciating, shameful, embarrassing and unbearable. Being spanked while my pleas were ignored, bucking strictly being dealt with by pinned making my bare bottom a easier target for her strap. I'd be spanked past bawling like toddler on my cherry red bottom and put in the corner, strictly forbidden to touch my very blazing bottom with the threat of another spanking as I just described. After I would be cuddle , while sitting on her lap on my freshly spanked bare bottom explaining how I be a very good little girl. I did and still do deserve such spankings in my life to be a even better person.
Cory, I can certainly relate to you on so many levels. Tysvm for creating this forum, so we can have a place to express ourselves without any craziness like the last one. Parents, kids and future parents, who believe in the effectiveness of a good spanking, have a place to support each other in safe and sane environment. Thank you

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