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Date Posted: 22:32:22 03/28/17 Tue
Author: Kate
Subject: Re: Who does the spanking?
In reply to: MarkW 's message, "Re: Who does the spanking?" on 00:14:34 03/28/17 Tue

>Your son will indeed be a chip of the old block, if he
>ever becomes a spanking Dad, Kate! Good that there
>will be generational continuity, I feel. Interesting
>the bonding thing isn't it? Boys are inclined to be
>more stoical, perhaps, at being spanked by their
>mothers, and I believe embarrass easier. I don't think
>for one minute that they are really 'matter of fact'
>about being over their mother's knee, however. It is
>all show and bravado, and secretly they are bonding
>with you.
>Your attitude to your own father spanking your bare
>bottom from age 11 is most reassuring and heartening
>to read. Clearly , you have no resentment and love and
>respect your father for caring enough to turn you over
>his knee for a good hiding. Spanking works Kate, as we
>both know all too well.
>Do post more, I have enjoyed this little exchange of

Thoughtful comments thanks Mark.
You are right. As I am smacking our young man' s firm bare buttocks there is certainly a dynamic interaction which we both feel which I think does strengthen our relationship. I was really only comparing it with the more emotional bond that is generated as my husband spanks our daughter.
You are certainly right about my dad. I think of the spankings he gave me as very much a part of my memories of him being a loving caring father.
Absolutely agree: spanking works and on so many levels.too.

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