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Date Posted: 09:55:32 03/01/17 Wed
Author: Tessa
Subject: Greetings

(I'll do my part to get the activity going.)

I have three teens (boy, 17; girl, 16; boy, 13) so I guess you can say I have my hands full. My husband passed away some years ago fighting in Afghanistan and, consequently, I'm now on my own raising these kids.

In spite of his military background, my husband was a pussycat when it came to the children so I guess, by default, actual discipline has always fallen on me. That being said, he had quite a loud voice and (when he was home) it was usually enough to keep the kids' butts in line when they were younger. However, now, as a single parent of three in the "terrible teens" age bracket, I've had to amp up the severity of corporal punishment. While the older two don't get spanked too frequently anymore, my youngest is at "that age" in which rarely a month goes by that his buns aren't taken to task at least a couple of times.

Beyond the satisfaction of a job well done and an asexual affinity for their adorably perky bare bottoms as they are arched obediently upward over my lap, I take no particular pleasure in spanking them. But there are times when extreme misbehavior on the part of the kids will necessitate physical correction to the part of the body best suited to receive it.

For instance, a couple of summers back my eldest boy decided it would be a splendid idea to have two neighbor girls spend the night while I was away. They were classmates of his and I knew he was smitten with one of them so I suppose I shouldn't have been totally surprised at the notion. As I learned after the fact, the girls had claimed they were spending the night at each others' houses, but instead spent the night at ours with with my son. My daughter was with me and my youngest son was away at soccer camp so they had free roam of the house. The result of that turned out to be a copious amount of beer-drinking, cigarette-smoking and God only knows what else. (Although I was later dubiously assured nothing actually “happened.” Nobody got pregnant, anyway, so I guess that's a good thing.)

I wasn't scheduled to be back until Sunday evening, but my trip was essentially canceled and my daughter and I returned Saturday morning to find a house full of empty beer cans; ashtrays full of cigarette butts; two passed out, half-naked teenage girls; and my son – wearing only his boxers – struggling with a hangover to awake to the sound of our entrance.

Now, I have always prided myself -- as a spanking mom -- as one that never punishes out of anger. On several occasions I have dispatched the miscreant to the corner while I pour myself a glass of wine and collect my wits. However, I admit it, I blew my stack this time.

As my son's “guests” awoke and fumbled for their clothes, I yanked the boy to his feet, made him fetch the strap, dropped his drawers on his return and bent him over my lap for what turned out to be the mother of all spankings. (With the help of my daughter who was more than eager to fetch the hairbrush from my purse.) If they had any sense, the neighbor girls -- once clothed -- would have fled the scene. But I suppose the spectacle of a pending bare bottom spanking had them transfixed and paralyzed.

I didn't count the swats and I have no idea how long it lasted, but my at the time 15-year-old had been reduced to an infantile blubbering mess over what had become a cherry red behind when I was through. Once I put him in the corner with his glowing fanny on display I called the girls' parents and sent them home. I don't know how (or even if) they were punished, but they certainly should have been.

In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have punished him in front of the girls. I likely crossed a line. Spankings in the presence of siblings or other family members are one thing, however this was different. (I have since apologized to my son and have been forgiven as even he admitted his behavior was “over the top.”) However, in my defense, I'm only human and an egregious act like that simply pushed me beyond the brink of rational thought. It's merely an explanation, not an excuse. Still, the lesson was learned and we haven't had a repeat of anything like that.

There are a lot of legitimate arguments for and against spanking. I have employed (and still do) other forms of discipline. However, as a working mom whose job doesn't necessarily end when I leave the office, I've found grounding difficult to enforce and privilege revocation unsustainable. And, in either case, I have no desire to punish myself with a pouty child moping around the house depressing everyone. Spanking resolves the matter quickly, efficiently and with no hard feelings. The kids don't like it (if the situation calls for it I'm rather thorough) but they do accept it and plenty of motherly love awaits them after bottoms have been sufficiently warmed and corner time served.

I love to interact with other like-minded parents. Maybe we'll see a migration from the other forum. Sometimes I feel like I'm out on an island.

All my best,

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