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Subject: Re: Reintroduction - Please Consider Updating Us

Amanda J.
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Date Posted: 14:20:17 02/21/25 Fri
In reply to: Mary 's message, "Re: Reintroduction - Please Consider Updating Us" on 11:59:11 02/21/25 Fri

Hi Mary,

That is a great reintroduction of this forum and your history of providing loving discipline of your boys and others under your care. I know your spankings are very serious, but I know how you go about it is very loving. Your boys friends keep coming back, so that speaks volumes about how you treat them so fairly and lovingly! They all clearly look at you as a second mom!

Hard to believe this forum is almost eight years old! I am so thankful that the issue with Voy for a couple weeks got resolved.

Hugs! Amanda J.

>I agree with Cherie, this is a wonderful idea and a
>fun one to reply too, people can post as much or as
>little as they want to.
>Hello every one, I am the admin, I started this forum
>March 6th 2017, I had to look it up the time has flown
>by, in a couple weeks it will be 8 years. Some of the
>original moms are still contributing its amazing
>simply amazing and to think I was starting to worry
>that it was all gone but it is still here.
>I am a widow, single mom of 3 boys, Donny and Scott
>are 20 my baby, Bobby is 18 and that is hard to wrap
>my mind around. Scott came into our lives when he was
>10 in September he and Donny became friends in the 5th
>grade and I ended up adopting him it was finalized Nov
>12th 2015. :)  Over the years I have spanked many a
>boy under my care, when the boys had a friend come
>over and I knew it was going to be a regular thing I
>would request spanking permission from their mom and
>if I didn’t get it then the boy could not stay any
>longer than a hello and goodbye. Zach was Donny and
>Scott’s best friend and started coming over and I
>started spanking him when he was 7 I last spanked him
>when he was 17, I have been spanking Tommy who is 18
>since he was 8 and Mason who is 18 he started coming
>over when he was 10, they have both been spanked by me
>at 18 as well. All are and have been spanked just like
>my boys and loved as if they are my boys, they also
>see me as a second mom. I have been sitting for and
>spanking Ryan 12, Austin and Decker 11 for a few years
>now. And I have also spanked others by proxy.
>Contrary to what the haters think and say, I do not
>spank for every little thing, I am strict, but fair, I
>have rules, my boys and those under my care knew and
>know what they are and when they break them or they
>cross a line then I spank. Spanking is also my only
>form of punishment, if punishment is needed, I spank.
>I believe as has been said, the child I am spanking
>will be very animated and frantic with frantic pleas,
>yells and crying uncontrollably. A spanking is
>supposed to HURT! And Hurt a lot!!! Spankings should
>be unbearable for the child, they should Hate our
>spankings. In my opinion If anyone can say "this is
>going to hurt me more than it does you" then they are
>doing something seriously wrong. They should come off
>our laps out of their minds, still crying
>uncontrollably at the tops of their lungs I also hear
>the hiccup cries, jumping around doing their best jig,
>hands madly rubbing their bottoms and upper thighs
>until their minds return and we can see that light go
>off when it does.
>I always spank the bottom bare over my lap starting
>with my hand and then going to my solid wood
>hairbrush. Those I spank are naked unless I am
>instructed otherwise by the parent of one under my
>care, but I always insist on spanking the bottom bare.
>I first started spanking them this way, not to
>‘shame’ them but because pant legs were getting
>kicked up in my face and it was a serious tripping
>hazard when they got off my lap, so I went to bare
>from the waist down, that the progressed quickly to
>just removing everything, no long baggy tops working
>there way down and getting in the way either. I
>realized how easy and how much I enjoyed spanking them
>bare one summer as I would remove their swimsuits and
>they would be spanked naked.
>I do have a spanking process, the baring is an
>important part of it. I methodically bare them, not
>rushing while also scolding them, no yelling., I have
>my boys and any other kids that come into my house
>remove their shoes at the door. So when I go to spank
>they already have their shoes off, if they are on as
>when we are away from the house their shoes are
>removed first then socks, this is usually at a
>moderate pace, no rushing.
>Then the pants, shorts or pjs are undone and pulled
>down to their feet, again, no rushing here, I have
>them step out of them, then the shirt/s then finally
>the underpants are last as I take them down and they
>step out of them, I then put their clothing up on the
>couch or bed, out of the way. I will have a naked boy
>standing in front of me as I scold, when they got
>older they started covering their fronts and I am fine
>with that.
>As I have said many times, there is just something to
>be said for the sight of a completely naked boy over
>my lap, so clean, natural and beautiful, I love it.

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Re: Reintroduction - Please Consider Updating UsMary16:38:55 02/21/25 Fri

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