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That is interesting that you believe Sammy will fly right by the age of 17 for spankings being an option. A parent can sure tell!
Has Briana expressed if she will be a spanking mom one day? Has she ever expressed an interest in being able to spank her brothers?
Hope you are well!
Hugs, Amanda J.
>I have 3, our daughter Brianna just turned 21 last
>week, she hasn't been spanked since she was 17 just
>shy of turning 18 so she is the oldest I have spanked
>but I do believe our oldest boy will fly by that
>number, Sammy is 16 and will turn 17 the last week in
>January. Stevie is our youngest he is 12.
>Starting when they were each 3 years old I did not
>hesitate to bare their bottom and take them across my
>lap as that was the age and way my brother and I were
>spanked by our mother, I saw no reason to change. All
>my kids get their bottom bared whenever and wherever I
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