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Subject: Re: Checking on you and their bottoms- red ones here yesterday

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Date Posted: 10:48:30 12/17/24 Tue
In reply to: Mamá to all 's message, "Checking on you and their bottoms" on 21:32:32 12/16/24 Mon


My two grandkids were naughty yesterday after school and earned themselves a couple of red bottoms.

Jeff (now 8) and Lianne 6 (almost 7) are still in the mischief stage and seem to try ignore rules and structure every now and then.

Yesterday after school they wanted sweets as their mother had been doing some Christmas baking over the weekend. I said no of course not until after you've eaten your supper.

Lianne whined, it's not fair we don't get to do anything.

They went into the living room and started playing games. I finished up some laundry and went down the hall to the bedrooms to put it away.

I came back and as I did I see Lianne on a chair putting the shortbread cookie tin back on top of the fridge.

I clapped my hands and said, " What did I just say about dessert before supper" you two.

Lianne tried to claim they were just looking at them they didn't eat any. Jeff just stared at the floor and didn't say anything.

I got down to his level and made him look at me and said Jeff did you eat a cookie? He says yes, I ate two of them.

I told him he'd earned himself a spanking but at least he'd been honest. I took his jeans and undies down and off on the spot and then while still kneeling went and addressed his sister.

I looked at her and told her to open her mouth. She gave me kind of a puzzled look but complied. I saw cookie debris stuck to her teeth and there was a crumb on the outside of her lips.

You lied to grandma didn't you Lianne, you ate cookies too the evidence is all over your mouth I asked.

She went straight to tears and said she'd never, ever do it again, please grandma not the soap.

I started to remove her jeans and panties as I told her that when you lie to grandma you get soaped and she knows that as she's been soaped before at least a couple of times.

I had her step out of her clothes and I had them both bare from the waist down. I got Miss Lianne a washcloth with some nice 99.44 ivory soap all prepped up and gave that mouth a nice thorough scrubbing.

It was then time for spankings.

I spanked Jeff first as he'd at least been honest with me. I pulled out a kitchen chair and put another one beside it for his upper body to rest on. I gave him quite a thorough hand spanking and punctuated it with a good dose of the wood spoon that had him squirming all over my lap. Sometimes when they squirm and thrash around they don't help their situation much and he didn't. He kind of spread his legs a bit and grandma found a little more sit spot territory to spank in.

He came off my lap crying at quite a volume and did quite a little jig and rubbing of his bottom before heading off to this bedroom.

Lianne was begging pleading please grandma but that fell on deaf ears of course. She got a slightly more severe spanking than her brother as she lied of course. I gave her about the same amount of hand spanking but she got a longer dose of the spoon.

We finished up and I cuddled her and calmed her down a bit then she too left her clothes in a heap and took her red little bottom off to her room.

I being nosy just had to go check on them 15 minutes or so later. They were both on their tummies bare bottoms up taking a little nap as they usually do following spankings. I admired my work a bit as I looked at Jeff, then went and did the same as I looked at Lianne, then one last check of Jeff and as I did that I heard the door, mom was home.

I went up the hall to greet her and tell her about her naughty little duo. She then went up the hall and had a little red bottom inspection.

Those two never learn she said as she sighed. I reminded her that she was much the same when she was that age.

I don't know young kids seem to not learn sometimes. I've had to give them some repeat spankings and I've busted them on this same issue before.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Checking on you and their bottoms- red ones here yesterday Mamá to Megan10:44:07 12/20/24 Fri
Re: Checking on you and their bottoms- red ones here yesterdayNancy09:26:13 12/23/24 Mon

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