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Subject: Re: Smiling as I recall spanking my 13 year old last night

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Date Posted: 08:10:32 01/13/25 Mon
In reply to: Stephanie 's message, "Smiling as I recall spanking my 13 year old last night" on 07:01:37 01/13/25 Mon


I really enjoyed your posting here, but now I have the spanking itch, lol. Sounds as if Benjamin had himself quite the spanking last night, with of course lots of tears and snot flowing.

I have also smiled many times once I have them over my lap (but never so they can see) as I look down at the bare bottom I am about to spank, watching them at times they will do this cute wiggle with their hips shaking their cheeks for a quick few seconds then flex them in anticipation of the spanking as I enjoy the view. Their physical and verbal responses can be so cute and satisfying for us.

I will also smile as I watch their bottom and feel my hand sink into their bottom over and over, watching their cheeks splay, bounce, flex and release, seeing that “jiggle jiggle and wiggle wiggle, so cute. Donny as I have shared before has stark white ‘meaty muscular globes,’ two high rounded dimpled peaks and nice thighs to go along, the jiggle factor isn't as high for him he has a more muscular bottom, always has.

The younger ones I am sitting for now two 11 year olds and the 12 year old now and then have, borrowing what Dani used to say "particularly magical" bottoms with rounded cheeks, I do most times smile as I have them over my lap but again never so they can see.

I believe all the kicking, squirming, upper body twisting, hips wiggling, trying hard to be animated but I have their body under control. The very loud, hard crying, yelling with the tears and snot flowing is an essential part of a thorough spanking. They need to be very animated, trying to deter me from continuing to spank and trying to avoid the never-ending spanks from my hand and brush, they also try their hardest to get their right arm free from my left hand to block their bottom. Unfortunately for them, they will have no success in doing either. I need to see this and yes it is very satisfying.

Spankings should be unbearable for the child, they should “Hate” our spankings. Any one that I have spanked will be loudly trying to let me know how much it hurts but the words were garbled and unintelligible, it is just spanking babble. They should come off our laps out of their minds, crying uncontrollably at the tops of their lungs. I also hear the hiccup cries, jumping around doing their best jig, hands glued to their bottoms and madly rubbing their bottoms and upper thighs.

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Re: Smiling as I recall spanking my 13 year old last nightStephanie09:25:43 01/13/25 Mon

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