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Subject: Re: Reintroduction - Please Consider Updating Us

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Date Posted: 04:09:08 02/22/25 Sat
In reply to: Amanda J. 's message, "Reintroduction - Please Consider Updating Us" on 10:27:31 02/21/25 Fri


What a brilliant idea! We hail from the UK. England to be exact. We being my husband and 2 boys, Tomas <(that is the Spanish spelling, my husband's family is from Spain) he is 16 and Stanley is 13.

I use pre spanking corner time, I think corner time is essential I never used it until coming to Mary's forum many years ago. I learned about it from Sarah and Danielle. I use it before to give them time to think about why they are about to be spanked as I sit and enjoy the view of the bottom I am about to spank and if time permits they have corner time after their spanking.

Once the boys got old enough to where they didn't need to be spanked on the spot so that they knew why they were being spanked I started unless it is egregious I tell them they will be spanked at bedtime, then they have to contemplate their spanking and I get to envision it in my head.

I will bare them from the waist down then sit on the lower bunkbed as they serve 15 min corner time as I sit wait and watch their bottom as they nervously wait flexing their bottom, I then call them to me and get them over my lap with my knees together. I start with my hand then go to my wood oval convex brush.

>Mary and I were chatting and thinking that with the
>forum being down for a couple weeks and losing such a
>great history of messages, it might be a good idea and
>enjoyable for anyone who is comfortable doing so to
>reintroduce themselves. Perhaps share how many kids
>you have, their ages, if spankings still remain an
>option, how often they may still be necessary or
>anything else you would feel comfortable sharing.
>No pressure or expectation, but again we just thought
>this might help us with so much history being gone.
>Hugs to all,
>Amanda J.

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Re: Reintroduction - Please Consider Updating UsAmanda J.09:30:21 02/22/25 Sat

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